Bibliography for "Past Achievements and Future Opportunities in Combining Conceptual Modeling with VR/AR: A Systematic Derivation" DOI

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Iñigo Fernández del Amo, John Ahmet Erkoyuncu, Rajkumar Roy, Riccardo Palmarini, and Demetrius Onoufriou. 2018. A systematic review of Augmented Reality content-related techniques for knowledge transfer in maintenance applications. Computers in Industry 103, (December 2018), 47–71. DOI:
Marianne Andres, Holger Ziekow, Kay-Uwe Zimmermann, and Selina Campinar. 2018. Visualizing Business Process Models on Virtual Reality Screens. MUC (2018). DOI:
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Johannes Damarowsky, Stephan Kühnel, Tobias Seyffarth, and Stefan Sackmann. 2022. Augmented Reality-Systeme zur Unterstützung der Workflow-Ausführung – Entwicklung und praktische Anwendung einer Taxonomie. HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik 59, 1 (February 2022), 54–77. DOI:
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Daniel Eichhorn, Agnes Koschmider, Andreas Oberweis, and Daniel Sommer. 2010. 3D-Darstellung von Ressourcenattributen. ZEUS (2010), 7.
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