Additional Tables for "Past Achievements and Future Opportunities in Combining Conceptual Modeling with VR/AR: A Systematic Derivation" DOI

Initial Papers with Title, DOI and Journal

Title DOI Journal
Engineering of Augmented Reality-Based Information Systems: Design and Implementation for Intralogistics Services 10.1007/S12599-019-00575-6 BISE
3D Virtual World BPM Training Systems: Process Gateway Experimental Results 10.1007/978-3-030-21290-2_26 CAiSE
A Theoretical Basis for Using Virtual Worlds as a Personalised Process Visualisation Approach 10.1007/978-3-642-38490-5_22 CAiSE
ProcessCity: Visualizing Business Processes as City Metaphor 10.1007/978-3-030-21297-1_18 CAiSE
UBBA: Unity Based BPMN Animator 10.1007/978-3-030-21297-1_1 CAiSE
Virtual Business Role-Play: Leveraging Familiar Environments to Prime Stakeholder Memory During Process Elicitation 10.1007/978-3-319-19069-3_11 CAiSE
Virtual Worlds as a Model-View Approach to the Communication of Business Processes Models CAiSE
Virtual Prototyping: Evaluating the Digital Twin Based Virtual Factory for New Product Introduction 10.7250/csimq.2021-29.01 CISMQ
A model-based approach for data integration to improve maintenance management by mixed reality 10.1016/j.compind.2013.01.002 Computers in Industry
A new AR authoring tool using depth maps for industrial procedures 10.1016/j.compind.2013.06.012 Computers in Industry
A systematic design method of adaptive augmented reality work instruction for complex industrial operations 10.1016/j.compind.2020.103229 Computers in Industry
A systematic review of Augmented Reality content-related techniques for knowledge transfer in maintenance applications 10.1016/j.compind.2018.08.007 Computers in Industry
An Augmented Reality inspection tool to support workers in Industry 4.0 environments 10.1016/j.compind.2021.103412 Computers in Industry
Augmented reality via expert demonstration authoring (AREDA) 10.1016/j.compind.2018.04.021 Computers in Industry
Developing augmented reality capabilities for industry 4.0 small enterprises: Lessons learnt from a content authoring case study 10.1016/j.compind.2020.103208 Computers in Industry
Process training for industrial organisations using 3D environments: An empirical analysis 10.1016/j.compind.2020.103346 Computers in Industry
Business Process Modelling as Serious Game: Findings from a Field Study ECIS
Closing spatial und motivational gaps: Virtual Reality in Business Process Improvement ECIS
Development framework for context-aware augmented reality applications 10.1145/3393672.3398640 ECIS
The Next Generation – Design and Implementation of a Smart Glasses-based Modelling System 10.18417/EMISA.13.18 EMISAJ
Augmented Reality-Based Process Modelling for the Internet of Things with HoloFlows 10.1007/978-3-030-20618-5_8 EMMSAD
Conceptual Modeling for Virtual Reality - ER
Initial Concepts for Augmented and Virtual Reality-based Enterprise Modeling ER
Collaborative Software Modeling in Virtual Reality 10.1109/MODELS50736.2021.00034 MoDELS
Integrating Heterogeneous Tools into Model-Centric Development of Interactive Applications 10.1007/978-3-540-75209-7_17 MoDELS
Virtual Factory: Competence-Based Adaptive Modelling and Simulation Approach for Manufacturing Enterprise 10.1007/978-3-030-63479-7_14 PoEM
HoloFlows: modelling of processes for the Internet of Things in mixed reality 10.1007/s10270-020-00859-6 SoSyM
Modelling on mobile devices: A systematic mapping study 10.1007/s10270-021-00897-8 SoSyM
Design and Evaluation of a Smart-Glasses-based Service Support System WI

All Relevant Papers with Title, DOI and Journal

Title DOI Journal
UBBA: Unity Based BPMN Animator 10.1007/978-3-030-21297-1_1 CAiSE
How to Create a New Generation of Industrial Processes Simulation by Coupling Simulation Tools with VR Platforms - CAINE
Lets Get in Touch - Decision Making about Enterprise Architecture Using 3D Visualization in Augmented Reality 10.24251/HICSS.2019.215 HICSS
A novel context-aware augmented reality framework for maintenance systems 10.3233/AIS-170435 Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments
BPM to Go: Supporting Business Processes in a Mobile and Sensing World Internet of Things Process of Everything BPM Everywhere
Visualizing Business Process Models on Virtual Reality Screens 10.18420/MUC2018-MCI-0342 MuC
Using Augmented Reality in Software Engineering Education? First insights to a comparative study of 2D and AR UML modeling 10.24251/HICSS.2019.938 HICSS
Hybrid recommendations and dynamic authoring for AR knowledge capture and re-use in diagnosis applications 10.1016/j.knosys.2021.107954 Knowledge-Based Systems
Model-driven development of augmented reality-based editors for domain specific languages IxD&A
A Method for Developing 3D User Interfaces of Information Systems 10.1007/978-1-4020-5820-2_7 Computer-Aided Design of User Interfaces
Mixed reality cyber-physical systems control and workflow composition 10.1145/3152832.3157808 International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous
Augmented Reality-Based Process Modelling for the Internet of Things with HoloFlows 10.1007/978-3-030-20618-5_8 EMMSAD
Workflow-based Setup of Smart Devices in Mixed Reality 10.1145/3365871.3365909 IoT
HoloFlows: modelling of processes for the Internet of Things in mixed reality 10.1007/s10270-020-00859-6 SoSyM
A 3D Visualization Approach for Process Training in Office Environments 10.1007/978-3-319-48472-3_24 OTM
3D Virtual World BPM Training Systems: Process Gateway Experimental Results 10.1007/978-3-030-21290-2_26 CAiSE
Process training for industrial organisations using 3D environments: An empirical analysis 10.1016/j.compind.2020.103346 Computers in Industry
Developing Mixed Interactive Systems: A Model-Based Process for Generating and Managing Design Solutions 10.1007/978-1-84882-733-2_10 The Engineering of Mixed Reality Systems
Design and implementation of a virtual world training simulation of ICU first hour handover processes 10.1016/j.aucc.2012.02.005 Australian Critical Care
Integrating Semantic Directional Relationships into Virtual Environments: A Meta-modelling Approach 10.2312/EGVE/JVRC11/067-074 EuroVR
Semantic modeling of Virtual Environments using MASCARET 10.1109/SEARIS.2012.6231174 SEARIS
Integration of SysML models in a 3D environment for Virtual Testing and Validation 10.1145/3531056.3542784 FAMESCE
A training system for Industry 4.0 operators in complex assemblies based on virtual reality and process mining 10.1016/j.rcim.2019.05.004 Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing
Augmented reality maintenance demonstrator and associated modelling 10.1109/VR.2015.7223429 VR
Compiling VR/AR Trainings from Business Process Models 10.1109/ISMAR-Adjunct.2019.00-51 ISMAR-Adjunct
Development of a prototype for Smart Glasses-based process modelling 978-3-88579-674-9 Modellierung
The Next Generation – Design and Implementation of a Smart Glasses-based Modelling System 10.18417/EMISA.13.18 EMISAJ
3D representation of business process models 20.500.12116/23619 MobIS
Virtual Factory: Competence-Based Adaptive Modelling and Simulation Approach for Manufacturing Enterprise 10.1007/978-3-030-63479-7_14 PoEM
On Generating Virtual Worlds from Domain Ontologies - Conference on Multi-Media Modeling
Intelligent Modelling of Virtual Worlds Using Domain Ontologies IVEVA
An Ontology-Driven Approach for Modeling Behavior in Virtual Environments 10.1007/11575863_145 OTM
Conceptual Modeling of Articulated Bodies in Virtual Environments 978-963-8046-63-5 International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia
Conceptual Modeling for Virtual Reality - ER
Intelligent Augmented Reality Training for Assembly Tasks 10.1007/978-3-642-39112-5_55 Artificial Intelligence in Education
Intelligent Augmented Reality Training for Motherboard Assembly 10.1007/s40593-014-0032-x International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education
When Model Driven Engineering meets virtual reality: Feedback from application to the Collaviz framework 10.1109/SEARIS.2014.7152798 SEARIS
3D visualization for software development 10.1109/ICWS.2004.1314802 IEEE International Conference on Web Services
Interdisciplinary Collaboration in Augmented Reality Development - A Process Model 10.1007/978-3-030-87595-4_14 AVR
A model-based approach for data integration to improve maintenance management by mixed reality 10.1016/j.compind.2013.01.002 Computers in Industry
Authoring of a mixed reality assembly instructor for hierarchical structures 10.1109/ISMAR.2003.1240707 ISMAR
Virtual Environment Visualisation of Executable Business Process Models 10.4018/978-1-61520-631-5 Virtual Technologies for Business and Industrial Applications: Innovative and Synergistic Approaches
Preliminary Evaluation of an Augmented Reality Collaborative Process Modelling System 10.1109/CW.2012.18 Cyberworlds
A Theoretical Basis for Using Virtual Worlds as a Personalised Process Visualisation Approach 10.1007/978-3-642-38490-5_22 CAiSE
Augmenting and Assisting Model Elicitation Tasks with 3D Virtual World Context Metadata 10.1007/978-3-662-45563-0_3 COOPIS
Storyboard Augmentation of Process Model Grammars for Stakeholder Communication: 10.5220/0004668101140121 Information Visualization Theory and Applications
Collaborative Business Process Modeling Using 3D Virtual Environments AMCIS
A Prototype Augmented Reality Collaborative Process Modelling Tool BPM
Using virtual worlds for collaborative business process modeling 10.1108/14637151111136414 BPM
Virtual Worlds as a Model-View Approach to the Communication of Business Processes Models CAiSE
Improving Remote Collaborative Process Modelling using Embodiment in 3D Virtual Environments - APCCM
Model as You Do: Engaging an S-BPM Vendor on Process Modelling in 3D Virtual Worlds 10.1007/978-3-319-17542-3_7 Book
Virtual Business Role-Play: Leveraging Familiar Environments to Prime Stakeholder Memory During Process Elicitation 10.1007/978-3-319-19069-3_11 CAiSE
Augmenting process elicitation with visual priming: An empirical exploration of user behaviour and modelling outcomes 10.1016/ Information Systems
Design and evaluation of virtual environments mechanisms to support remote collaboration on complex process diagrams 10.1016/ Information Systems
Conceptual modelling in 3D virtual worlds for process communication - APCCM
3D visualisation of code structures in Java software systems 10.1145/1148493.1148515 SoftVis
Towards Domain-Specific Modelling Environments Based on Augmented Reality 10.1109/ICSE-NIER52604.2021.00020 ICSE
MASCARET: pedagogical multi-agents systems for virtual environment for training 10.1109/CYBER.2003.1253485 International Conference on Cyberworlds
MASCARET: creating virtual learning environments from system modelling 10.1117/12.2008186 IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging
A Pedagogical Scenario Language for Virtual Learning Environment based on UML Meta-model - Application to Blood Analysis Instrument: 10.5220/0004845803010308 ICCSE
Semantic Representation of Domain Knowledge for Professional VR Training 10.52825/bis.v1i.64 BIS
An Overview of 3D Software Visualization 10.1109/TVCG.2008.86 IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics
Towards Automating the Construction of Augmented Reality Interfaces for Information Systems ISD
Virtual Reality Simulation for the Operating Room: Proficiency-Based Training as a Paradigm Shift in Surgical Skills Training 10.1097/01.sla.0000151982.85062.80 Annals of Surgery
Enhancing UML Conceptual Modeling through the Use of Virtual Reality 10.1109/HICSS.2005.239 HICSS
INTEGRATING KNOWLEDGE FROM VIRTUAL REALITY ENVIRONMENTS TO LEARNING SCENARIO MODELS - A Meta-modeling Approach: 10.5220/0001976102530258 International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Ensuring semantic spatial constraints in virtual environments using UML/OCL 10.1145/1889863.1889912 VRST
Developing a virtual-world simulation 10.1145/1987993.1988007 SEHC
MeRiTS: Simulation-Based Training for Healthcare Professionals 10.3233/978-1-60750-706-2-125 Medecine Meets Virtual Reality
VR-DeMo: a Tool-supported Approach Facilitating Flexible Development of Virtual Environments using Conceptual Modelling Proceedings of Virtual Concept
Developing augmented reality capabilities for industry 4.0 small enterprises: Lessons learnt from a content authoring case study 10.1016/j.compind.2020.103208 Computers in Industry
Seeking the Treasures of Theoretical Computer Science Education: Towards Educational Virtual Reality for the Visualization of Finite State Machines 10.1109/TALE.2018.8615288 TALE
Statechart modelling of interactive gesture-based applications - INTERACT
Ontology based approach to development of augmented reality applications 10.1109/TELFOR48224.2019.8971208 TELFOR
An Ontology for Semantic Representation of an Urban Virtual Environment HAL
An ontology-based framework for automated code generation of Web AR applications 10.5937/telfor2001067q TELFOR
Authoring Mixed Reality — A Component and Framework-Based Approach 10.1007/978-0-387-35660-0_49 IWEC
Designing Augmented Reality Workflows for Care Specific Tasks 10.1145/3473856.3474033 MuC
A survey of business process simulation visualization 10.1109/ICQR2MSE.2012.6246184 International Conference on Quality, Reliability, Risk, Maintenance, and Safety Engineering
Notational Support for the Design of Augmented Reality Systems 10.1007/3-540-36235-5_6 international Workshop on Interactive Systems. Design, Specification, and Verification
Business Process Management of Virtual Enterprise based on Augmented Reality ITPM
Collaborative Modeling of Use Case & Damage Scenarios in Online Workshops Using a 3D Environment 10.1017/pds.2022.162 Proceedings of the Design Society
Gef3D: a framework for two-, two-and-a-half-, and three-dimensional graphical editors 10.1145/1409720.1409737 SoftVis
Eclipse GEF3D: Bringing 3D to Existing 2D Editors 10.1057/ivs.2009.9 Information Visualization
Three Dimensional UML Using Force Directed Layout 10.5555/564040.564050 APVIS
A 3D-Navigator for Business Process Models 10.1007/978-3-642-36285-9_74 BPM
3D Support for Business Process Simulation 10.1109/COMPSAC.2009.20 Annual IEEE International Computer Software and Applications Conference
3D gadgets for business process visualization---a case study 10.1145/330160.330238 VRML
A Model-based Framework for Context-aware Augmented Reality Applications 10.18573/ INTERACT
Collaborative Software Modeling in Virtual Reality 10.1109/MODELS50736.2021.00034 MoDELS
VREUD - An End-User Development Tool to Simplify the Creation of Interactive VR Scenes 10.1109/VL/HCC51201.2021.9576372 VL/HCC
A Context-aware Virtual Reality First Aid Training Application 10.1145/3340764.3349525 MuC
Development framework for context-aware augmented reality applications 10.1145/3393672.3398640 ECIS
Model-Based Product Configuration in Augmented Reality Applications 10.1007/978-3-030-64266-2_5 HCSE
On the Development of Context-Aware Augmented Reality Applications 10.1007/978-3-030-46540-7_11 INTERACT
ProConAR: A Tool Support for Model-Based AR Product Configuration 10.1007/978-3-030-64266-2_14 HCSE
VR Training for Warehouse Management 10.1145/3385956.3422106 VRST
A systematic review of Augmented Reality content-related techniques for knowledge transfer in maintenance applications 10.1016/j.compind.2018.08.007 Computers in Industry
Development of an augmented reality-based process management system: The case of a natural gas power plant 10.1080/24725854.2022.2034195 IISE Transactions
Jacob - An Animated Instruction Agent in Virtual Reality 10.1007/3-540-40063-X_69 ICMI
PRISME: An interaction model linking domain activities and mixed and tangible interactors in virtual environments 10.1109/ISMAR-Adjunct51615.2020.00070 ISMAR-Adjunct
PRISME: Toward a model linking tangible interaction and domain-specific tasks in mixed reality environments 10.1109/SVR51698.2020.00042 SVR
Collaborative Modeling and Visualization of Software Systems Using Multidimensional UML 10.1109/VISSOFT.2017.19 VISSOFT
Initial Concepts for Augmented and Virtual Reality-based Enterprise Modeling ER
A Framework for Context-Dependent Augmented Reality Applications Using Machine Learning and Ontological Reasoning AAAI MAKE
RUBE: a customized 2D and 3D modeling framework for simulation 10.1109/WSC.2003.1261492 Winter Simulation Conference
3D behavioral model design for simulation and software engineering 10.1145/330160.330164 VRML
Building Contextual Augmented Reality Environments with semantics 10.1109/VSMM.2014.7136656 VSMM
Semantic Modelling of Interactive 3D Content with Domain-specific Ontologies 10.1016/j.procs.2014.08.134 KES
Conceptual knowledge-based modeling of interactive 3D content 10.1007/s00371-014-1011-9 The Visual Computer
Ontology-Based Representation and Modelling of Synthetic 3D Content: A State-of-the-Art Review: Ontology-Based Representation and Modelling of Synthetic 3D Content 10.1111/cgf.13083 Computer Graphics Forum
Inference-based creation of synthetic 3D content with ontologies 10.1007/s11042-018-6788-5 Multimedia Tools and Applications
Visualizing Multiple Process Attributes in one 3D Process Representation 10.48550/arXiv.1903.00283 arxiv
Process Attribute Visualization in 3D and Virtual Reality BPM
Assessing Process Attribute Visualization and Interaction Approaches Based on a Controlled Experiment 10.1142/S0218843020500070 International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems
Evaluating Compliance State Visualizations for Multiple Process Models and Instances 10.1007/978-3-030-85440-9_8 BPM
A systematic design method of adaptive augmented reality work instruction for complex industrial operations 10.1016/j.compind.2020.103229 Computers in Industry
Exploring Microsoft Hololens for Interactive Visualization of UML Diagrams 10.1145/3167020.3167039 MEDES
On better understanding UML diagrams through interactive three-dimensional visualization and animation 10.1145/345513.345358 AVI00
An Interactive Task Modeling Method for the Development of Augmented Reality Maintenance Guiding System 10.1109/IHMSC.2019.00039 IHMSC
Supporting Augmented Reality Industry 4.0 Processes with Context-aware Processing and Situational Knowledge 2308-4375 eKNOW
A Context and Augmented Reality BPMN and BPMS Extension for Industrial Internet of Things Processes 10.1007/978-3-030-94343-1_29 BPM
Visualizing live software systems in 3D 10.1145/1148493.1148501 SoftVis
Analysis and design of object-oriented software using multidimensional UML 10.1145/2809563.2809564 i-KNOW
Software Model Creation with Multidimensional UML 10.1007/978-3-319-24315-3_35 WCC
AMIRE - authoring mixed reality 10.1109/ART.2002.1107008 IEEE International Augmented Reality Toolkit Workshop
Integration of Augmented Reality Technologies in Process Modeling - The Augmentation of Real World Scenarios With the KMDL: 10.5220/0006529102060215 International Symposium on Business Modeling and Software Design
Process Modeling Within Augmented Reality: The Bidirectional Interplay of Two Worlds 10.1007/978-3-319-94214-8_7 BMSD
Augmented Reality Supported Modeling of Industrial Systems to Infer Software Configuration 10.1145/3229087 HCI
3D Progressive Education Environment for S-BPM 10.1007/978-3-319-06191-7_14 S-BPM ONE - Application Studies and Work in Progress
A Unified Framework for Augmented Reality and Knowledge-Based Systems in Maintaining Aircra 10.1609/aaai.v28i2.19023 IAAI
X3D-UML: 3D UML State Machine Diagrams 10.1007/978-3-540-87875-9_19 Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems
X3D-UML: 3D UML Mechatronic Diagrams 10.1109/ASWEC.2010.14 Australian Software Engineering Conference
X3D-UML: enabling advanced UML visualisation through X3D 10.1145/1050491.1050511 Web3D
Toward an Experiential Design Language: Augmenting Model-based Systems Engineering with Technical Storytelling in Virtual Worlds 10.1016/j.procs.2014.03.101 Procedia Computer Science
A pragmatic approach to augmented reality authoring 10.1109/ISMAR.2002.1115093 ISMAR
3D Visualization of Class Template Diagrams for Deployed Open Source Applications - SEKE
Modeling Augmented Reality User Interfaces with SSIML/AR 10.4304/jmm.1.3.13-22 Journal of Multimedia
Integrating Heterogeneous Tools into Model-Centric Development of Interactive Applications 10.1007/978-3-540-75209-7_17 MoDELS
A method for efficient and task oriented configuration of Virtual Reality (VR) Models for the Analysis of Technical Systems ILMENAU SCIENTIFIC COLLOQUIUM
An Approach for Building Product Use-Case Scenarios in Different Virtual Reality Systems 10.1115/DETC2018-85223 ASME
Model based systems engineering (MBSE) approach for configurable product use-case scenarios in virtual environments 2220-4342 ICED
The Reuse of SysML Behaviour Models for Creating Product Use Cases in Virtual Reality 10.1017/dsi.2019.208 International Conference on Engineering Design
Assistance to Scenarisation of VR-Oriented Pedagogical Activities: Models and Tools 10.1109/ICALT.2019.00107 ICALT
Geist3D, a Simulation Tool for Geometry-Driven Petri Nets 10.1007/11767589_25 ICATPN
BPMN4SGA: A BPMN Extension for Smart Glasses Applications to enable Process Visualisations 20.500.12116/17226 INFORMATIK
Design and Development of a Process Modelling Environment for Business Process Utilization within Smart Glasses EMISA
Integration of Augmented Reality into Professional Care Processes 10.18420/MUC2018-WS07-0467 MuC
Adjusting AR-Workflows of Care Tasks: Experiences from an Initial Study 10.18420/MUC2019-WS-623 MuC
Model-driven iterative development of 3D web-applications using SSIML, X3D and JavaScript 10.1145/2338714.2338742 Web3D
Towards Context-Aware Process Guidance in Cyber-Physical Systems with Augmented Reality 10.1109/RESACS.2018.00013 RESACS
Model-based training of manual procedures in automated production systems 10.1016/j.mechatronics.2018.05.010 Mechatronics
Immersive authoring of Tangible Augmented Reality content: A user study 10.1016/j.jvlc.2008.07.001 Journal of Visual Languages & Computing
3D-Visualization of Petri Net Models: Concept and Realization 10.1007/978-3-540-27793-4_27 ICATPN
Immersive Process Model Exploration in Virtual Reality 10.1109/TVCG.2020.2973476 IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics
Virtual but visible software 10.1109/IV.2000.859756 IEEE International Conference on Information Visualization
Modeling, Visualizing, and Checking Software Architectures Collaboratively in Shared Virtual Worlds ECSA
VisAr3D: an innovative 3D visualization of UML models 10.1145/2889160.2889199 ICSE
Gamified Virtual Reality for Program Code Structure Comprehension 10.20870/IJVR.2017.17.2.2894 International Journal of Virtual Reality
APRIL A High-Level Framework for Creating Augmented Reality Presentations 10.1109/VR.2005.8 VR
Workflow ART: a framework for multidimensional workflow analysis 10.1080/17517575.2012.688220 Enterprise Information Systems
Enabling Collaborative Business Process Elicitation in Virtual Environments 10.1007/978-3-030-52306-0_27 BMSD
Virtual Reality in Model Based Systems Engineering: A Review Paper 10.1007/978-3-030-60703-6_25 HCI
Expanding Stakeholder Participation in Upfront System Engineering through Storytelling in Virtual Worlds: MADNI 10.1002/sys.21284 SE
Visualizing Software in an Immersive Virtual Reality Environment ICSE
VR-BPMN: Visualizing BPMN Models in Virtual Reality 10.1007/978-3-319-94214-8_6 BMSD
Design and Evaluation of a Smart-Glasses-based Service Support System WI
VR-EAT: Visualization of Enterprise Architecture Tool Diagrams in Virtual Reality 10.1007/978-3-030-52306-0_14 BMSD
An authorable context-aware augmented reality system to assist the maintenance technicians 10.1007/s00170-012-4451-2 The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology
A context-aware augmented reality assisted maintenance system 10.1080/0951192X.2013.874589 International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing
Multi-modal augmented-reality assembly guidance based on bare-hand interface 10.1016/j.aei.2016.05.004 Advanced Engineering Informatics
VR-EA: Virtual Reality Visualization of Enterprise Architecture Models with ArchiMate and BPMN 10.1007/978-3-030-24854-3_11 BMSD
VR-UML: The Unified Modeling Language in Virtual Reality – An Immersive Modeling Experience 10.1007/978-3-030-79976-2_3 BMSD
Ontology-Driven Generation of Interactive 3D Worlds 10.1109/INFOTEH48170.2020.9066274 INFOTEH
SSIML: designing structure and application integration of 3D scenes 10.1145/1050491.1050493 Web3D
Closing spatial und motivational gaps: Virtual Reality in Business Process Improvement ECIS
Automated Procedure Reconfiguration Framework for Augmented Reality-Guided Maintenance Applications 10.1115/1.4051054 Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering
Leveraging Augmented Reality to Support Context Aware Tasks in Alignment with Business Processes 10.20870/IJVR.2021.1.1.4797 VRIC
Business Process Modelling as Serious Game: Findings from a Field Study ECIS
CARL: A Language for Modelling Contextual Augmented Reality Environments 10.1007/978-3-642-54734-8_21 Technological Innovation for Collective Awareness Systems
Semantic model for distributed augmented reality services 10.1145/3055624.3077121 Web3D
Large-scale distributed semantic augmented reality services – A performance evaluation 10.1016/j.gmod.2019.101027 Graphical Models
ProcessCity: Visualizing Business Processes as City Metaphor 10.1007/978-3-030-21297-1_18 CAiSE
Animated UML as a 3d-illustration for teaching OOP citesheer
Petri net-based VR model interactive behaviour specification and control for maintaining training 10.1080/09511920802199838 International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing
Generating Smart Glasses-based Information Systems with BPMN4SGA: A BPMN Extension for Smart Glasses Applications Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik
Towards a Virtual Reality-based Process Elicitation System 20.500.12116/33142 EC-TEL
SSIML/Behaviour: Designing Behaviour and Animation of Graphical Objects in Virtual Reality and Multimedia Applications 10.1109/ISM.2005.109 ISM
SSIML/AR: A Visual Language for the Abstract Specification of Augmented Reality User Interfaces 10.1109/VR.2006.123 3DUI
SSIML/Components: a visual language for the abstract specification of 3D components 10.1145/1122591.1122610 Web3D
Beh-VR: Modeling Behavior of Dynamic Virtual Reality Contents 10.1007/11890881_6 Interactive Technologies and Sociotechnical Systems
Study on Virtual Intelligent Assembly System for Machine Tools Based on Multi-Agent and Petri-Net 10.1109/ICMLC.2006.258811 ICMLC
Modeling Interactive Augmented Reality Environments 10.1007/978-1-4471-2497-9_6 Interactive 3D Multimedia Content
Specifying generic depictions of language constructs for 3D visual languages 10.1109/VLHCC.2013.6645258 VL/HCC
DEViL3D – A Generator Framework for Three-Dimensional Visual Languages DMS

Papers per Journal with Journal (Bold) and Title

Journal and Title nPapers
3DUI 1
SSIML/AR: A Visual Language for the Abstract Specification of Augmented Reality User Interfaces 1
A Framework for Context-Dependent Augmented Reality Applications Using Machine Learning and Ontological Reasoning 1
Advanced Engineering Informatics 1
Multi-modal augmented-reality assembly guidance based on bare-hand interface 1
Collaborative Business Process Modeling Using 3D Virtual Environments 1
Annals of Surgery 1
Virtual Reality Simulation for the Operating Room: Proficiency-Based Training as a Paradigm Shift in Surgical Skills Training 1
Annual IEEE International Computer Software and Applications Conference 1
3D Support for Business Process Simulation 1
Conceptual modelling in 3D virtual worlds for process communication 1
Improving Remote Collaborative Process Modelling using Embodiment in 3D Virtual Environments 1
Three Dimensional UML Using Force Directed Layout 1
Artificial Intelligence in Education 1
Intelligent Augmented Reality Training for Assembly Tasks 1
arxiv 1
Visualizing Multiple Process Attributes in one 3D Process Representation 1
An Approach for Building Product Use-Case Scenarios in Different Virtual Reality Systems 1
Australian Critical Care 1
Design and implementation of a virtual world training simulation of ICU first hour handover processes 1
Australian Software Engineering Conference 1
X3D-UML: 3D UML Mechatronic Diagrams 1
AVI00 1
On better understanding UML diagrams through interactive three-dimensional visualization and animation 1
Interdisciplinary Collaboration in Augmented Reality Development - A Process Model 1
Semantic Representation of Domain Knowledge for Professional VR Training 1
Enabling Collaborative Business Process Elicitation in Virtual Environments 1
Process Modeling Within Augmented Reality: The Bidirectional Interplay of Two Worlds 1
VR-BPMN: Visualizing BPMN Models in Virtual Reality 1
VR-EA: Virtual Reality Visualization of Enterprise Architecture Models with ArchiMate and BPMN 1
VR-EAT: Visualization of Enterprise Architecture Tool Diagrams in Virtual Reality 1
VR-UML: The Unified Modeling Language in Virtual Reality – An Immersive Modeling Experience 1
Book 1
Model as You Do: Engaging an S-BPM Vendor on Process Modelling in 3D Virtual Worlds 1
A 3D-Navigator for Business Process Models 1
A Context and Augmented Reality BPMN and BPMS Extension for Industrial Internet of Things Processes 1
A Prototype Augmented Reality Collaborative Process Modelling Tool 1
Evaluating Compliance State Visualizations for Multiple Process Models and Instances 1
Process Attribute Visualization in 3D and Virtual Reality 1
Using virtual worlds for collaborative business process modeling 1
How to Create a New Generation of Industrial Processes Simulation by Coupling Simulation Tools with VR Platforms 1
3D Virtual World BPM Training Systems: Process Gateway Experimental Results 1
A Theoretical Basis for Using Virtual Worlds as a Personalised Process Visualisation Approach 1
ProcessCity: Visualizing Business Processes as City Metaphor 1
UBBA: Unity Based BPMN Animator 1
Virtual Business Role-Play: Leveraging Familiar Environments to Prime Stakeholder Memory During Process Elicitation 1
Virtual Worlds as a Model-View Approach to the Communication of Business Processes Models 1
citesheer 1
Animated UML as a 3d-illustration for teaching OOP 1
Computer Graphics Forum 1
Ontology-Based Representation and Modelling of Synthetic 3D Content: A State-of-the-Art Review: Ontology-Based Representation and Modelling of Synthetic 3D Content 1
Computer-Aided Design of User Interfaces 1
A Method for Developing 3D User Interfaces of Information Systems 1
Computers in Industry 5
A model-based approach for data integration to improve maintenance management by mixed reality 1
A systematic design method of adaptive augmented reality work instruction for complex industrial operations 1
A systematic review of Augmented Reality content-related techniques for knowledge transfer in maintenance applications 1
Developing augmented reality capabilities for industry 4.0 small enterprises: Lessons learnt from a content authoring case study 1
Process training for industrial organisations using 3D environments: An empirical analysis 1
Conference on Multi-Media Modeling 1
On Generating Virtual Worlds from Domain Ontologies 1
Augmenting and Assisting Model Elicitation Tasks with 3D Virtual World Context Metadata 1
Cyberworlds 1
Preliminary Evaluation of an Augmented Reality Collaborative Process Modelling System 1
DEViL3D – A Generator Framework for Three-Dimensional Visual Languages 1
Business Process Modelling as Serious Game: Findings from a Field Study 1
Closing spatial und motivational gaps: Virtual Reality in Business Process Improvement 1
Development framework for context-aware augmented reality applications 1
Modeling, Visualizing, and Checking Software Architectures Collaboratively in Shared Virtual Worlds 1
Towards a Virtual Reality-based Process Elicitation System 1
Supporting Augmented Reality Industry 4.0 Processes with Context-aware Processing and Situational Knowledge 1
Design and Development of a Process Modelling Environment for Business Process Utilization within Smart Glasses 1
The Next Generation – Design and Implementation of a Smart Glasses-based Modelling System 1
Augmented Reality-Based Process Modelling for the Internet of Things with HoloFlows 1
Enterprise Information Systems 1
Workflow ART: a framework for multidimensional workflow analysis 1
ER 2
Conceptual Modeling for Virtual Reality 1
Initial Concepts for Augmented and Virtual Reality-based Enterprise Modeling 1
EuroVR 1
Integrating Semantic Directional Relationships into Virtual Environments: A Meta-modelling Approach 1
Integration of SysML models in a 3D environment for Virtual Testing and Validation 1
Graphical Models 1
Large-scale distributed semantic augmented reality services – A performance evaluation 1
An Ontology for Semantic Representation of an Urban Virtual Environment 1
Augmented Reality Supported Modeling of Industrial Systems to Infer Software Configuration 1
Virtual Reality in Model Based Systems Engineering: A Review Paper 1
Model-Based Product Configuration in Augmented Reality Applications 1
ProConAR: A Tool Support for Model-Based AR Product Configuration 1
Enhancing UML Conceptual Modeling through the Use of Virtual Reality 1
Lets Get in Touch - Decision Making about Enterprise Architecture Using 3D Visualization in Augmented Reality 1
Using Augmented Reality in Software Engineering Education? First insights to a comparative study of 2D and AR UML modeling 1
A Unified Framework for Augmented Reality and Knowledge-Based Systems in Maintaining Aircra 1
Assistance to Scenarisation of VR-Oriented Pedagogical Activities: Models and Tools 1
3D-Visualization of Petri Net Models: Concept and Realization 1
Geist3D, a Simulation Tool for Geometry-Driven Petri Nets 1
A Pedagogical Scenario Language for Virtual Learning Environment based on UML Meta-model - Application to Blood Analysis Instrument: 1
Model based systems engineering (MBSE) approach for configurable product use-case scenarios in virtual environments 1
Jacob - An Animated Instruction Agent in Virtual Reality 1
Study on Virtual Intelligent Assembly System for Machine Tools Based on Multi-Agent and Petri-Net 1
Towards Domain-Specific Modelling Environments Based on Augmented Reality 1
VisAr3D: an innovative 3D visualization of UML models 1
Visualizing Software in an Immersive Virtual Reality Environment 1
IEEE International Augmented Reality Toolkit Workshop 1
AMIRE - authoring mixed reality 1
IEEE International Conference on Information Visualization 1
Virtual but visible software 1
IEEE International Conference on Web Services 1
3D visualization for software development 1
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 2
An Overview of 3D Software Visualization 1
Immersive Process Model Exploration in Virtual Reality 1
An Interactive Task Modeling Method for the Development of Augmented Reality Maintenance Guiding System 1
IISE Transactions 1
Development of an augmented reality-based process management system: The case of a natural gas power plant 1
i-KNOW 1
Analysis and design of object-oriented software using multidimensional UML 1
A method for efficient and task oriented configuration of Virtual Reality (VR) Models for the Analysis of Technical Systems 1
BPMN4SGA: A BPMN Extension for Smart Glasses Applications to enable Process Visualisations 1
Information Systems 2
Augmenting process elicitation with visual priming: An empirical exploration of user behaviour and modelling outcomes 1
Design and evaluation of virtual environments mechanisms to support remote collaboration on complex process diagrams 1
Information Visualization 1
Eclipse GEF3D: Bringing 3D to Existing 2D Editors 1
Information Visualization Theory and Applications 1
Storyboard Augmentation of Process Model Grammars for Stakeholder Communication: 1
Ontology-Driven Generation of Interactive 3D Worlds 1
A Model-based Framework for Context-aware Augmented Reality Applications 1
On the Development of Context-Aware Augmented Reality Applications 1
Statechart modelling of interactive gesture-based applications 1
Interactive 3D Multimedia Content 1
Modeling Interactive Augmented Reality Environments 1
Interactive Technologies and Sociotechnical Systems 1
Beh-VR: Modeling Behavior of Dynamic Virtual Reality Contents 1
International Conference on Computer Supported Education 1
International Conference on Cyberworlds 1
MASCARET: pedagogical multi-agents systems for virtual environment for training 1
International Conference on Engineering Design 1
The Reuse of SysML Behaviour Models for Creating Product Use Cases in Virtual Reality 1
International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous 1
Mixed reality cyber-physical systems control and workflow composition 1
International Conference on Quality, Reliability, Risk, Maintenance, and Safety Engineering 1
A survey of business process simulation visualization 1
International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia 1
Conceptual Modeling of Articulated Bodies in Virtual Environments 1
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education 1
Intelligent Augmented Reality Training for Motherboard Assembly 1
International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing 2
A context-aware augmented reality assisted maintenance system 1
Petri net-based VR model interactive behaviour specification and control for maintaining training 1
International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems 1
Assessing Process Attribute Visualization and Interaction Approaches Based on a Controlled Experiment 1
International Journal of Virtual Reality 1
Gamified Virtual Reality for Program Code Structure Comprehension 1
International Symposium on Business Modeling and Software Design 1
Integration of Augmented Reality Technologies in Process Modeling - The Augmentation of Real World Scenarios With the KMDL: 1
international Workshop on Interactive Systems. Design, Specification, and Verification 1
Notational Support for the Design of Augmented Reality Systems 1
Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik 1
Generating Smart Glasses-based Information Systems with BPMN4SGA: A BPMN Extension for Smart Glasses Applications 1
Internet of Things Process of Everything BPM Everywhere 1
BPM to Go: Supporting Business Processes in a Mobile and Sensing World 1
IoT 1
Workflow-based Setup of Smart Devices in Mixed Reality 1
IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging 1
MASCARET: creating virtual learning environments from system modelling 1
Towards Automating the Construction of Augmented Reality Interfaces for Information Systems 1
SSIML/Behaviour: Designing Behaviour and Animation of Graphical Objects in Virtual Reality and Multimedia Applications 1
A pragmatic approach to augmented reality authoring 1
Authoring of a mixed reality assembly instructor for hierarchical structures 1
ISMAR-Adjunct 2
Compiling VR/AR Trainings from Business Process Models 1
PRISME: An interaction model linking domain activities and mixed and tangible interactors in virtual environments 1
Business Process Management of Virtual Enterprise based on Augmented Reality 1
Intelligent Modelling of Virtual Worlds Using Domain Ontologies 1
Authoring Mixed Reality — A Component and Framework-Based Approach 1
IxD&A 1
Model-driven development of augmented reality-based editors for domain specific languages 1
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments 1
A novel context-aware augmented reality framework for maintenance systems 1
Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering 1
Automated Procedure Reconfiguration Framework for Augmented Reality-Guided Maintenance Applications 1
Mobile Service Support based on Smart Glasses 1
Journal of Multimedia 1
Modeling Augmented Reality User Interfaces with SSIML/AR 1
Journal of Visual Languages & Computing 1
Immersive authoring of Tangible Augmented Reality content: A user study 1
Semantic Modelling of Interactive 3D Content with Domain-specific Ontologies 1
Knowledge-Based Systems 1
Hybrid recommendations and dynamic authoring for AR knowledge capture and re-use in diagnosis applications 1
Mechatronics 1
Model-based training of manual procedures in automated production systems 1
Medecine Meets Virtual Reality 1
MeRiTS: Simulation-Based Training for Healthcare Professionals 1
Exploring Microsoft Hololens for Interactive Visualization of UML Diagrams 1
MobIS 1
3D representation of business process models 1
Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems 1
X3D-UML: 3D UML State Machine Diagrams 1
Modellierung 1
Development of a prototype for Smart Glasses-based process modelling 1
Collaborative Software Modeling in Virtual Reality 1
Integrating Heterogeneous Tools into Model-Centric Development of Interactive Applications 1
MuC 5
A Context-aware Virtual Reality First Aid Training Application 1
Adjusting AR-Workflows of Care Tasks: Experiences from an Initial Study 1
Designing Augmented Reality Workflows for Care Specific Tasks 1
Integration of Augmented Reality into Professional Care Processes 1
Visualizing Business Process Models on Virtual Reality Screens 1
Multimedia Tools and Applications 1
Inference-based creation of synthetic 3D content with ontologies 1
A 3D Visualization Approach for Process Training in Office Environments 1
An Ontology-Driven Approach for Modeling Behavior in Virtual Environments 1
PoEM 1
Virtual Factory: Competence-Based Adaptive Modelling and Simulation Approach for Manufacturing Enterprise 1
Procedia Computer Science 1
Toward an Experiential Design Language: Augmenting Model-based Systems Engineering with Technical Storytelling in Virtual Worlds 1
Proceedings of the Design Society 1
Collaborative Modeling of Use Case & Damage Scenarios in Online Workshops Using a 3D Environment 1
Proceedings of Virtual Concept 1
VR-DeMo: a Tool-supported Approach Facilitating Flexible Development of Virtual Environments using Conceptual Modelling 1
Towards Context-Aware Process Guidance in Cyber-Physical Systems with Augmented Reality 1
Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing 1
A training system for Industry 4.0 operators in complex assemblies based on virtual reality and process mining 1
S-BPM ONE - Application Studies and Work in Progress 1
3D Progressive Education Environment for S-BPM 1
SE 1
Expanding Stakeholder Participation in Upfront System Engineering through Storytelling in Virtual Worlds: MADNI 1
Semantic modeling of Virtual Environments using MASCARET 1
When Model Driven Engineering meets virtual reality: Feedback from application to the Collaviz framework 1
Developing a virtual-world simulation 1
3D Visualization of Class Template Diagrams for Deployed Open Source Applications 1
SoftVis 3
3D visualisation of code structures in Java software systems 1
Gef3D: a framework for two-, two-and-a-half-, and three-dimensional graphical editors 1
Visualizing live software systems in 3D 1
SoSyM 1
HoloFlows: modelling of processes for the Internet of Things in mixed reality 1
PRISME: Toward a model linking tangible interaction and domain-specific tasks in mixed reality environments 1
Seeking the Treasures of Theoretical Computer Science Education: Towards Educational Virtual Reality for the Visualization of Finite State Machines 1
Technological Innovation for Collective Awareness Systems 1
CARL: A Language for Modelling Contextual Augmented Reality Environments 1
An ontology-based framework for automated code generation of Web AR applications 1
Ontology based approach to development of augmented reality applications 1
The Engineering of Mixed Reality Systems 1
Developing Mixed Interactive Systems: A Model-Based Process for Generating and Managing Design Solutions 1
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 1
An authorable context-aware augmented reality system to assist the maintenance technicians 1
The Visual Computer 1
Conceptual knowledge-based modeling of interactive 3D content 1
Virtual Technologies for Business and Industrial Applications: Innovative and Synergistic Approaches 1
Virtual Environment Visualisation of Executable Business Process Models 1
Collaborative Modeling and Visualization of Software Systems Using Multidimensional UML 1
Specifying generic depictions of language constructs for 3D visual languages 1
VREUD - An End-User Development Tool to Simplify the Creation of Interactive VR Scenes 1
VR 2
APRIL A High-Level Framework for Creating Augmented Reality Presentations 1
Augmented reality maintenance demonstrator and associated modelling 1
Leveraging Augmented Reality to Support Context Aware Tasks in Alignment with Business Processes 1
3D behavioral model design for simulation and software engineering 1
3D gadgets for business process visualization---a case study 1
Ensuring semantic spatial constraints in virtual environments using UML/OCL 1
VR Training for Warehouse Management 1
Building Contextual Augmented Reality Environments with semantics 1
Software Model Creation with Multidimensional UML 1
Web3D 5
Model-driven iterative development of 3D web-applications using SSIML, X3D and JavaScript 1
Semantic model for distributed augmented reality services 1
SSIML/Components: a visual language for the abstract specification of 3D components 1
SSIML: designing structure and application integration of 3D scenes 1
X3D-UML: enabling advanced UML visualisation through X3D 1
WI 1
Design and Evaluation of a Smart-Glasses-based Service Support System 1
Winter Simulation Conference 1
RUBE: a customized 2D and 3D modeling framework for simulation 1

LDA: Most Probable Topic per Paper with Title, the Most Probable Topic and its Probability

Title Most Probable Topics Probability
A context-aware augmented reality assisted maintenance system Topic_0 0.69
A model-based approach for data integration to improve maintenance management by mixed reality Topic_0 0.69
A novel context-aware augmented reality framework for maintenance systems Topic_0 0.69
A systematic design method of adaptive augmented reality work instruction for complex industrial operations Topic_0 0.87
A systematic review of Augmented Reality content-related techniques for knowledge transfer in maintenance applications Topic_0 0.93
A training system for Industry 4.0 operators in complex assemblies based on virtual reality and process mining Topic_0 0.57
A Unified Framework for Augmented Reality and Knowledge-Based Systems in Maintaining Aircra Topic_0 0.76
An authorable context-aware augmented reality system to assist the maintenance technicians Topic_0 0.87
Augmented reality maintenance demonstrator and associated modelling Topic_0 0.54
Automated Procedure Reconfiguration Framework for Augmented Reality-Guided Maintenance Applications Topic_0 0.88
Compiling VR/AR Trainings from Business Process Models Topic_0 0.33
Developing augmented reality capabilities for industry 4.0 small enterprises: Lessons learnt from a content authoring case study Topic_0 0.57
Development of an augmented reality-based process management system: The case of a natural gas power plant Topic_0 0.62
Hybrid recommendations and dynamic authoring for AR knowledge capture and re-use in diagnosis applications Topic_0 0.90
Intelligent Augmented Reality Training for Assembly Tasks Topic_0 0.54
Intelligent Augmented Reality Training for Motherboard Assembly Topic_0 0.54
Model-based training of manual procedures in automated production systems Topic_0 0.42
Multi-modal augmented-reality assembly guidance based on bare-hand interface Topic_0 0.87
Study on Virtual Intelligent Assembly System for Machine Tools Based on Multi-Agent and Petri-Net Topic_0 0.33
A Context-aware Virtual Reality First Aid Training Application Topic_1 0.62
A Method for Developing 3D User Interfaces of Information Systems Topic_1 0.70
A Model-based Framework for Context-aware Augmented Reality Applications Topic_1 0.84
A pragmatic approach to augmented reality authoring Topic_1 0.58
AMIRE - authoring mixed reality Topic_1 0.74
APRIL A High-Level Framework for Creating Augmented Reality Presentations Topic_1 0.79
Authoring Mixed Reality — A Component and Framework-Based Approach Topic_1 0.73
Authoring of a mixed reality assembly instructor for hierarchical structures Topic_1 0.76
Development framework for context-aware augmented reality applications Topic_1 0.75
Immersive authoring of Tangible Augmented Reality content: A user study Topic_1 0.45
Integrating Heterogeneous Tools into Model-Centric Development of Interactive Applications Topic_1 0.87
Interdisciplinary Collaboration in Augmented Reality Development - A Process Model Topic_1 0.57
Model-driven development of augmented reality-based editors for domain specific languages Topic_1 0.52
Model-driven iterative development of 3D web-applications using SSIML, X3D and JavaScript Topic_1 0.95
Modeling Augmented Reality User Interfaces with SSIML/AR Topic_1 0.95
On the Development of Context-Aware Augmented Reality Applications Topic_1 0.81
SSIML/AR: A Visual Language for the Abstract Specification of Augmented Reality User Interfaces Topic_1 0.95
SSIML/Components: a visual language for the abstract specification of 3D components Topic_1 0.93
SSIML: designing structure and application integration of 3D scenes Topic_1 0.93
Statechart modelling of interactive gesture-based applications Topic_1 0.58
Towards Automating the Construction of Augmented Reality Interfaces for Information Systems Topic_1 0.84
Towards Domain-Specific Modelling Environments Based on Augmented Reality Topic_1 0.60
VREUD - An End-User Development Tool to Simplify the Creation of Interactive VR Scenes Topic_1 0.72
When Model Driven Engineering meets virtual reality: Feedback from application to the Collaviz framework Topic_1 0.83
3D behavioral model design for simulation and software engineering Topic_2 0.64
3D representation of business process models Topic_2 0.39
3D-Visualization of Petri Net Models: Concept and Realization Topic_2 0.90
An Ontology-Driven Approach for Modeling Behavior in Virtual Environments Topic_2 0.80
Animated UML as a 3d-illustration for teaching OOP Topic_2 0.49
Conceptual Modeling for Virtual Reality Topic_2 0.84
Conceptual Modeling of Articulated Bodies in Virtual Environments Topic_2 0.97
DEViL3D – A Generator Framework for Three-Dimensional Visual Languages Topic_2 0.45
Ensuring semantic spatial constraints in virtual environments using UML/OCL Topic_2 0.93
Geist3D, a Simulation Tool for Geometry-Driven Petri Nets Topic_2 0.65
Integrating Semantic Directional Relationships into Virtual Environments: A Meta-modelling Approach Topic_2 0.84
Intelligent Modelling of Virtual Worlds Using Domain Ontologies Topic_2 0.70
Modeling Interactive Augmented Reality Environments Topic_2 0.62
On Generating Virtual Worlds from Domain Ontologies Topic_2 0.72
Petri net-based VR model interactive behaviour specification and control for maintaining training Topic_2 0.54
RUBE: a customized 2D and 3D modeling framework for simulation Topic_2 0.64
Specifying generic depictions of language constructs for 3D visual languages Topic_2 0.68
SSIML/Behaviour: Designing Behaviour and Animation of Graphical Objects in Virtual Reality and Multimedia Applications Topic_2 0.62
VR-DeMo: a Tool-supported Approach Facilitating Flexible Development of Virtual Environments using Conceptual Modelling Topic_2 0.76
3D Support for Business Process Simulation Topic_3 0.52
A Context and Augmented Reality BPMN and BPMS Extension for Industrial Internet of Things Processes Topic_3 0.80
Assessing Process Attribute Visualization and Interaction Approaches Based on a Controlled Experiment Topic_3 0.75
Augmented Reality Supported Modeling of Industrial Systems to Infer Software Configuration Topic_3 0.39
Augmented Reality-Based Process Modelling for the Internet of Things with HoloFlows Topic_3 0.85
BPM to Go: Supporting Business Processes in a Mobile and Sensing World Topic_3 0.72
Evaluating Compliance State Visualizations for Multiple Process Models and Instances Topic_3 0.81
HoloFlows: modelling of processes for the Internet of Things in mixed reality Topic_3 0.67
Initial Concepts for Augmented and Virtual Reality-based Enterprise Modeling Topic_3 0.28
Leveraging Augmented Reality to Support Context Aware Tasks in Alignment with Business Processes Topic_3 0.60
Mixed reality cyber-physical systems control and workflow composition Topic_3 0.79
Process Attribute Visualization in 3D and Virtual Reality Topic_3 0.82
ProcessCity: Visualizing Business Processes as City Metaphor Topic_3 0.89
Storyboard Augmentation of Process Model Grammars for Stakeholder Communication: Topic_3 0.38
Supporting Augmented Reality Industry 4.0 Processes with Context-aware Processing and Situational Knowledge Topic_3 0.80
Towards Context-Aware Process Guidance in Cyber-Physical Systems with Augmented Reality Topic_3 0.63
UBBA: Unity Based BPMN Animator Topic_3 0.48
Visualizing Multiple Process Attributes in one 3D Process Representation Topic_3 0.82
VR-BPMN: Visualizing BPMN Models in Virtual Reality Topic_3 0.43
Workflow ART: a framework for multidimensional workflow analysis Topic_3 0.91
Workflow-based Setup of Smart Devices in Mixed Reality Topic_3 0.69
A Framework for Context-Dependent Augmented Reality Applications Using Machine Learning and Ontological Reasoning Topic_4 0.31
An ontology-based framework for automated code generation of Web AR applications Topic_4 0.53
Beh-VR: Modeling Behavior of Dynamic Virtual Reality Contents Topic_4 0.47
Building Contextual Augmented Reality Environments with semantics Topic_4 0.82
CARL: A Language for Modelling Contextual Augmented Reality Environments Topic_4 0.55
Conceptual knowledge-based modeling of interactive 3D content Topic_4 0.97
Inference-based creation of synthetic 3D content with ontologies Topic_4 0.93
Large-scale distributed semantic augmented reality services – A performance evaluation Topic_4 0.68
Ontology based approach to development of augmented reality applications Topic_4 0.54
Ontology-Based Representation and Modelling of Synthetic 3D Content: A State-of-the-Art Review: Ontology-Based Representation and Modelling of Synthetic 3D Content Topic_4 0.90
Ontology-Driven Generation of Interactive 3D Worlds Topic_4 0.46
Semantic model for distributed augmented reality services Topic_4 0.70
Semantic Modelling of Interactive 3D Content with Domain-specific Ontologies Topic_4 0.98
Semantic Representation of Domain Knowledge for Professional VR Training Topic_4 0.60
MeRiTS: Simulation-Based Training for Healthcare Professionals Topic_5 0.72
Toward an Experiential Design Language: Augmenting Model-based Systems Engineering with Technical Storytelling in Virtual Worlds Topic_5 1.00
Virtual Environment Visualisation of Executable Business Process Models Topic_5 0.94
Virtual Reality Simulation for the Operating Room: Proficiency-Based Training as a Paradigm Shift in Surgical Skills Training Topic_5 0.47
3D Progressive Education Environment for S-BPM Topic_6 0.59
3D Virtual World BPM Training Systems: Process Gateway Experimental Results Topic_6 0.79
A 3D Visualization Approach for Process Training in Office Environments Topic_6 0.59
A Prototype Augmented Reality Collaborative Process Modelling Tool Topic_6 0.84
A survey of business process simulation visualization Topic_6 0.32
A Theoretical Basis for Using Virtual Worlds as a Personalised Process Visualisation Approach Topic_6 0.73
Augmenting and Assisting Model Elicitation Tasks with 3D Virtual World Context Metadata Topic_6 0.77
Augmenting process elicitation with visual priming: An empirical exploration of user behaviour and modelling outcomes Topic_6 0.97
Business Process Modelling as Serious Game: Findings from a Field Study Topic_6 0.97
Closing spatial und motivational gaps: Virtual Reality in Business Process Improvement Topic_6 0.84
Collaborative Business Process Modeling Using 3D Virtual Environments Topic_6 0.96
Collaborative Software Modeling in Virtual Reality Topic_6 0.50
Conceptual modelling in 3D virtual worlds for process communication Topic_6 0.66
Design and evaluation of virtual environments mechanisms to support remote collaboration on complex process diagrams Topic_6 0.96
Design and implementation of a virtual world training simulation of ICU first hour handover processes Topic_6 0.56
Developing a virtual-world simulation Topic_6 0.52
Enabling Collaborative Business Process Elicitation in Virtual Environments Topic_6 0.59
Immersive Process Model Exploration in Virtual Reality Topic_6 0.73
Improving Remote Collaborative Process Modelling using Embodiment in 3D Virtual Environments Topic_6 0.95
Lets Get in Touch - Decision Making about Enterprise Architecture Using 3D Visualization in Augmented Reality Topic_6 0.47
Model as You Do: Engaging an S-BPM Vendor on Process Modelling in 3D Virtual Worlds Topic_6 0.89
Preliminary Evaluation of an Augmented Reality Collaborative Process Modelling System Topic_6 0.89
Process training for industrial organisations using 3D environments: An empirical analysis Topic_6 0.92
Using Augmented Reality in Software Engineering Education? First insights to a comparative study of 2D and AR UML modeling Topic_6 0.74
Using virtual worlds for collaborative business process modeling Topic_6 0.92
Virtual Business Role-Play: Leveraging Familiar Environments to Prime Stakeholder Memory During Process Elicitation Topic_6 0.99
Virtual Worlds as a Model-View Approach to the Communication of Business Processes Models Topic_6 0.53
Visualizing Business Process Models on Virtual Reality Screens Topic_6 0.56
VR Training for Warehouse Management Topic_6 0.56
A method for efficient and task oriented configuration of Virtual Reality (VR) Models for the Analysis of Technical Systems Topic_7 0.95
A Pedagogical Scenario Language for Virtual Learning Environment based on UML Meta-model - Application to Blood Analysis Instrument: Topic_7 0.64
An Approach for Building Product Use-Case Scenarios in Different Virtual Reality Systems Topic_7 0.88
An Interactive Task Modeling Method for the Development of Augmented Reality Maintenance Guiding System Topic_7 0.40
An Ontology for Semantic Representation of an Urban Virtual Environment Topic_7 0.34
Assistance to Scenarisation of VR-Oriented Pedagogical Activities: Models and Tools Topic_7 0.78
Collaborative Modeling of Use Case & Damage Scenarios in Online Workshops Using a 3D Environment Topic_7 0.44
Developing Mixed Interactive Systems: A Model-Based Process for Generating and Managing Design Solutions Topic_7 0.50
Expanding Stakeholder Participation in Upfront System Engineering through Storytelling in Virtual Worlds: MADNI Topic_7 0.50
How to Create a New Generation of Industrial Processes Simulation by Coupling Simulation Tools with VR Platforms Topic_7 0.71
Integration of SysML models in a 3D environment for Virtual Testing and Validation Topic_7 0.59
Jacob - An Animated Instruction Agent in Virtual Reality Topic_7 0.49
MASCARET: creating virtual learning environments from system modelling Topic_7 0.70
MASCARET: pedagogical multi-agents systems for virtual environment for training Topic_7 0.78
Model based systems engineering (MBSE) approach for configurable product use-case scenarios in virtual environments Topic_7 0.86
Model-Based Product Configuration in Augmented Reality Applications Topic_7 0.65
Notational Support for the Design of Augmented Reality Systems Topic_7 0.58
PRISME: An interaction model linking domain activities and mixed and tangible interactors in virtual environments Topic_7 0.74
PRISME: Toward a model linking tangible interaction and domain-specific tasks in mixed reality environments Topic_7 0.72
ProConAR: A Tool Support for Model-Based AR Product Configuration Topic_7 0.72
Seeking the Treasures of Theoretical Computer Science Education: Towards Educational Virtual Reality for the Visualization of Finite State Machines Topic_7 0.53
Semantic modeling of Virtual Environments using MASCARET Topic_7 0.48
The Reuse of SysML Behaviour Models for Creating Product Use Cases in Virtual Reality Topic_7 0.97
Virtual Factory: Competence-Based Adaptive Modelling and Simulation Approach for Manufacturing Enterprise Topic_7 0.61
Virtual Reality in Model Based Systems Engineering: A Review Paper Topic_7 0.75
Adjusting AR-Workflows of Care Tasks: Experiences from an Initial Study Topic_8 0.90
BPMN4SGA: A BPMN Extension for Smart Glasses Applications to enable Process Visualisations Topic_8 0.73
Business Process Management of Virtual Enterprise based on Augmented Reality Topic_8 0.43
Design and Development of a Process Modelling Environment for Business Process Utilization within Smart Glasses Topic_8 0.84
Design and Evaluation of a Smart-Glasses-based Service Support System Topic_8 0.90
Designing Augmented Reality Workflows for Care Specific Tasks Topic_8 0.72
Development of a prototype for Smart Glasses-based process modelling Topic_8 0.76
Generating Smart Glasses-based Information Systems with BPMN4SGA: A BPMN Extension for Smart Glasses Applications Topic_8 0.77
Integration of Augmented Reality into Professional Care Processes Topic_8 0.90
Integration of Augmented Reality Technologies in Process Modeling - The Augmentation of Real World Scenarios With the KMDL: Topic_8 0.51
Mobile Service Support based on Smart Glasses Topic_8 0.86
Process Modeling Within Augmented Reality: The Bidirectional Interplay of Two Worlds Topic_8 0.64
The Next Generation – Design and Implementation of a Smart Glasses-based Modelling System Topic_8 0.80
Towards a Virtual Reality-based Process Elicitation System Topic_8 0.58
3D gadgets for business process visualization---a case study Topic_9 0.59
3D visualisation of code structures in Java software systems Topic_9 0.79
3D visualization for software development Topic_9 0.76
3D Visualization of Class Template Diagrams for Deployed Open Source Applications Topic_9 0.91
A 3D-Navigator for Business Process Models Topic_9 0.57
An Overview of 3D Software Visualization Topic_9 0.81
Analysis and design of object-oriented software using multidimensional UML Topic_9 0.89
Collaborative Modeling and Visualization of Software Systems Using Multidimensional UML Topic_9 0.62
Eclipse GEF3D: Bringing 3D to Existing 2D Editors Topic_9 0.96
Enhancing UML Conceptual Modeling through the Use of Virtual Reality Topic_9 0.47
Exploring Microsoft Hololens for Interactive Visualization of UML Diagrams Topic_9 0.38
Gamified Virtual Reality for Program Code Structure Comprehension Topic_9 0.66
Gef3D: a framework for two-, two-and-a-half-, and three-dimensional graphical editors Topic_9 0.97
Modeling, Visualizing, and Checking Software Architectures Collaboratively in Shared Virtual Worlds Topic_9 0.63
On better understanding UML diagrams through interactive three-dimensional visualization and animation Topic_9 0.65
Software Model Creation with Multidimensional UML Topic_9 0.85
Three Dimensional UML Using Force Directed Layout Topic_9 0.68
Virtual but visible software Topic_9 0.57
VisAr3D: an innovative 3D visualization of UML models Topic_9 0.50
Visualizing live software systems in 3D Topic_9 0.84
Visualizing Software in an Immersive Virtual Reality Environment Topic_9 0.73
VR-EA: Virtual Reality Visualization of Enterprise Architecture Models with ArchiMate and BPMN Topic_9 0.61
VR-EAT: Visualization of Enterprise Architecture Tool Diagrams in Virtual Reality Topic_9 0.67
VR-UML: The Unified Modeling Language in Virtual Reality – An Immersive Modeling Experience Topic_9 0.73
X3D-UML: 3D UML Mechatronic Diagrams Topic_9 0.75
X3D-UML: 3D UML State Machine Diagrams Topic_9 0.73
X3D-UML: enabling advanced UML visualisation through X3D Topic_9 0.71

Allocation by Reviewers 1 and 2: Iteration 1, with Title and the according allocations

Title Allocation Reviewer 1 Allocation Reviewer 2
3D behavioral model design for simulation and software engineering Training and Simulation Training and Simulation
3D gadgets for business process visualization---a case study Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
3D Progressive Education Environment for S-BPM Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
3D representation of business process models Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
3D Support for Business Process Simulation Business and Process Aspects Training and Simulation
3D Virtual World BPM Training Systems: Process Gateway Experimental Results Training and Simulation Training and Simulation
3D visualisation of code structures in Java software systems Software and System Visualization Software and System Visualization
3D visualization for software development Software and System Visualization Software and System Visualization
3D Visualization of Class Template Diagrams for Deployed Open Source Applications Software and System Visualization Software and System Visualization
3D-Visualization of Petri Net Models: Concept and Realization Software and System Visualization Concepts and Languages
A 3D Visualization Approach for Process Training in Office Environments Training and Simulation Training and Simulation
A 3D-Navigator for Business Process Models Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
A Context and Augmented Reality BPMN and BPMS Extension for Industrial Internet of Things Processes Business and Process Aspects Semantic Aspects
A context-aware augmented reality assisted maintenance system System Maintenance Semantic Aspects
A Context-aware Virtual Reality First Aid Training Application Training and Simulation Training and Simulation
A Framework for Context-Dependent Augmented Reality Applications Using Machine Learning and Ontological Reasoning Semantic Aspects Semantic Aspects
A Method for Developing 3D User Interfaces of Information Systems User Aspects and Interfaces User Aspects and Interfaces
A method for efficient and task oriented configuration of Virtual Reality (VR) Models for the Analysis of Technical Systems Software and System Visualization Software and System Visualization
A model-based approach for data integration to improve maintenance management by mixed reality System Maintenance System Maintenance
A Model-based Framework for Context-aware Augmented Reality Applications Concepts and Languages Semantic Aspects
A novel context-aware augmented reality framework for maintenance systems System Maintenance Semantic Aspects
A Pedagogical Scenario Language for Virtual Learning Environment based on UML Meta-model - Application to Blood Analysis Instrument: Training and Simulation Software and System Visualization
A pragmatic approach to augmented reality authoring User Aspects and Interfaces  
A Prototype Augmented Reality Collaborative Process Modelling Tool Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
A survey of business process simulation visualization Business and Process Aspects Training and Simulation
A systematic design method of adaptive augmented reality work instruction for complex industrial operations Training and Simulation
A systematic review of Augmented Reality content-related techniques for knowledge transfer in maintenance applications System Maintenance System Maintenance
A Theoretical Basis for Using Virtual Worlds as a Personalised Process Visualisation Approach Business and Process Aspects User Environment & Virtual Worlds
A training system for Industry 4.0 operators in complex assemblies based on virtual reality and process mining Training and Simulation Training and Simulation
A Unified Framework for Augmented Reality and Knowledge-Based Systems in Maintaining Aircra System Maintenance Semantic Aspects
Adjusting AR-Workflows of Care Tasks: Experiences from an Initial Study Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
AMIRE - authoring mixed reality User Aspects and Interfaces Concepts and Languages
An Approach for Building Product Use-Case Scenarios in Different Virtual Reality Systems Business and Process Aspects  
An authorable context-aware augmented reality system to assist the maintenance technicians System Maintenance Semantic Aspects
An Interactive Task Modeling Method for the Development of Augmented Reality Maintenance Guiding System System Maintenance System Maintenance
An Ontology for Semantic Representation of an Urban Virtual Environment Semantic Aspects Semantic Aspects
An ontology-based framework for automated code generation of Web AR applications Semantic Aspects Semantic Aspects
An Ontology-Driven Approach for Modeling Behavior in Virtual Environments Semantic Aspects Semantic Aspects
An Overview of 3D Software Visualization Software and System Visualization Software and System Visualization
Analysis and design of object-oriented software using multidimensional UML Software and System Visualization Software and System Visualization
Animated UML as a 3d-illustration for teaching OOP Software and System Visualization Software and System Visualization
APRIL A High-Level Framework for Creating Augmented Reality Presentations User Aspects and Interfaces Concepts and Languages
Assessing Process Attribute Visualization and Interaction Approaches Based on a Controlled Experiment Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
Assistance to Scenarisation of VR-Oriented Pedagogical Activities: Models and Tools User Environment & Virtual Worlds
Augmented reality maintenance demonstrator and associated modelling System Maintenance System Maintenance
Augmented Reality Supported Modeling of Industrial Systems to Infer Software Configuration Software and System Visualization Software and System Visualization
Augmented Reality-Based Process Modelling for the Internet of Things with HoloFlows Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
Augmenting and Assisting Model Elicitation Tasks with 3D Virtual World Context Metadata User Environment & Virtual Worlds Semantic Aspects
Augmenting process elicitation with visual priming: An empirical exploration of user behaviour and modelling outcomes Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
Authoring Mixed Reality — A Component and Framework-Based Approach User Aspects and Interfaces
Authoring of a mixed reality assembly instructor for hierarchical structures Training and Simulation  
Automated Procedure Reconfiguration Framework for Augmented Reality-Guided Maintenance Applications System Maintenance System Maintenance
Beh-VR: Modeling Behavior of Dynamic Virtual Reality Contents User Environment & Virtual Worlds  
BPM to Go: Supporting Business Processes in a Mobile and Sensing World Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
BPMN4SGA: A BPMN Extension for Smart Glasses Applications to enable Process Visualisations Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
Building Contextual Augmented Reality Environments with semantics Semantic Aspects Semantic Aspects
Business Process Management of Virtual Enterprise based on Augmented Reality Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
Business Process Modelling as Serious Game: Findings from a Field Study Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
CARL: A Language for Modelling Contextual Augmented Reality Environments Concepts and Languages Semantic Aspects
Closing spatial und motivational gaps: Virtual Reality in Business Process Improvement Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
Collaborative Business Process Modeling Using 3D Virtual Environments Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
Collaborative Modeling and Visualization of Software Systems Using Multidimensional UML Software and System Visualization Software and System Visualization
Collaborative Modeling of Use Case & Damage Scenarios in Online Workshops Using a 3D Environment User Environment & Virtual Worlds  
Collaborative Software Modeling in Virtual Reality Software and System Visualization Software and System Visualization
Compiling VR/AR Trainings from Business Process Models Business and Process Aspects Training and Simulation
Conceptual knowledge-based modeling of interactive 3D content Concepts and Languages Semantic Aspects
Conceptual Modeling for Virtual Reality Concepts and Languages  
Conceptual Modeling of Articulated Bodies in Virtual Environments User Environment & Virtual Worlds
Conceptual modelling in 3D virtual worlds for process communication Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
Design and Development of a Process Modelling Environment for Business Process Utilization within Smart Glasses Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
Design and Evaluation of a Smart-Glasses-based Service Support System    
Design and evaluation of virtual environments mechanisms to support remote collaboration on complex process diagrams Business and Process Aspects User Aspects and Interfaces
Design and implementation of a virtual world training simulation of ICU first hour handover processes Training and Simulation Training and Simulation
Designing Augmented Reality Workflows for Care Specific Tasks User Aspects and Interfaces Business and Process Aspects
Developing a virtual-world simulation Training and Simulation Training and Simulation
Developing augmented reality capabilities for industry 4.0 small enterprises: Lessons learnt from a content authoring case study Business and Process Aspects
Developing Mixed Interactive Systems: A Model-Based Process for Generating and Managing Design Solutions User Aspects and Interfaces  
Development framework for context-aware augmented reality applications Semantic Aspects Semantic Aspects
Development of a prototype for Smart Glasses-based process modelling Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
Development of an augmented reality-based process management system: The case of a natural gas power plant Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
DEViL3D – A Generator Framework for Three-Dimensional Visual Languages Concepts and Languages  
Eclipse GEF3D: Bringing 3D to Existing 2D Editors Concepts and Languages Software and System Visualization
Enabling Collaborative Business Process Elicitation in Virtual Environments Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
Enhancing UML Conceptual Modeling through the Use of Virtual Reality Concepts and Languages Software and System Visualization
Ensuring semantic spatial constraints in virtual environments using UML/OCL Semantic Aspects Semantic Aspects
Evaluating Compliance State Visualizations for Multiple Process Models and Instances Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
Expanding Stakeholder Participation in Upfront System Engineering through Storytelling in Virtual Worlds: MADNI User Environment & Virtual Worlds User Aspects and Interfaces
Exploring Microsoft Hololens for Interactive Visualization of UML Diagrams Software and System Visualization Software and System Visualization
Gamified Virtual Reality for Program Code Structure Comprehension Software and System Visualization Software and System Visualization
Gef3D: a framework for two-, two-and-a-half-, and three-dimensional graphical editors Concepts and Languages User Aspects and Interfaces
Geist3D, a Simulation Tool for Geometry-Driven Petri Nets Training and Simulation Training and Simulation
Generating Smart Glasses-based Information Systems with BPMN4SGA: A BPMN Extension for Smart Glasses Applications Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
HoloFlows: modelling of processes for the Internet of Things in mixed reality Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
How to Create a New Generation of Industrial Processes Simulation by Coupling Simulation Tools with VR Platforms Training and Simulation Training and Simulation
Hybrid recommendations and dynamic authoring for AR knowledge capture and re-use in diagnosis applications Semantic Aspects  
Immersive authoring of Tangible Augmented Reality content: A user study User Aspects and Interfaces User Aspects and Interfaces
Immersive Process Model Exploration in Virtual Reality Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
Improving Remote Collaborative Process Modelling using Embodiment in 3D Virtual Environments Business and Process Aspects User Aspects and Interfaces
Inference-based creation of synthetic 3D content with ontologies Semantic Aspects Semantic Aspects
Initial Concepts for Augmented and Virtual Reality-based Enterprise Modeling Concepts and Languages Concepts and Languages
Integrating Heterogeneous Tools into Model-Centric Development of Interactive Applications User Aspects and Interfaces User Aspects and Interfaces
Integrating Semantic Directional Relationships into Virtual Environments: A Meta-modelling Approach Semantic Aspects Semantic Aspects
Integration of Augmented Reality into Professional Care Processes Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
Integration of Augmented Reality Technologies in Process Modeling - The Augmentation of Real World Scenarios With the KMDL: Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
Integration of SysML models in a 3D environment for Virtual Testing and Validation Software and System Visualization Software and System Visualization
Intelligent Augmented Reality Training for Assembly Tasks Training and Simulation Training and Simulation
Intelligent Augmented Reality Training for Motherboard Assembly Training and Simulation Training and Simulation
Intelligent Modelling of Virtual Worlds Using Domain Ontologies Semantic Aspects User Environment & Virtual Worlds
Interdisciplinary Collaboration in Augmented Reality Development - A Process Model Business and Process Aspects User Aspects and Interfaces
Jacob - An Animated Instruction Agent in Virtual Reality Training and Simulation Training and Simulation
Large-scale distributed semantic augmented reality services – A performance evaluation Semantic Aspects Semantic Aspects
Lets Get in Touch - Decision Making about Enterprise Architecture Using 3D Visualization in Augmented Reality   Software and System Visualization
Leveraging Augmented Reality to Support Context Aware Tasks in Alignment with Business Processes Business and Process Aspects Semantic Aspects
MASCARET: creating virtual learning environments from system modelling Training and Simulation Training and Simulation
MASCARET: pedagogical multi-agents systems for virtual environment for training Training and Simulation Training and Simulation
MeRiTS: Simulation-Based Training for Healthcare Professionals Training and Simulation Training and Simulation
Mixed reality cyber-physical systems control and workflow composition Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
Mobile Service Support based on Smart Glasses
Model as You Do: Engaging an S-BPM Vendor on Process Modelling in 3D Virtual Worlds Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
Model based systems engineering (MBSE) approach for configurable product use-case scenarios in virtual environments Business and Process Aspects
Model-Based Product Configuration in Augmented Reality Applications Business and Process Aspects  
Model-based training of manual procedures in automated production systems Training and Simulation Training and Simulation
Model-driven development of augmented reality-based editors for domain specific languages Concepts and Languages Concepts and Languages
Model-driven iterative development of 3D web-applications using SSIML, X3D and JavaScript Concepts and Languages Concepts and Languages
Modeling Augmented Reality User Interfaces with SSIML/AR User Aspects and Interfaces User Aspects and Interfaces
Modeling Interactive Augmented Reality Environments User Environment & Virtual Worlds
Modeling, Visualizing, and Checking Software Architectures Collaboratively in Shared Virtual Worlds Software and System Visualization Software and System Visualization
Multi-modal augmented-reality assembly guidance based on bare-hand interface User Aspects and Interfaces User Aspects and Interfaces
Notational Support for the Design of Augmented Reality Systems   Concepts and Languages
On better understanding UML diagrams through interactive three-dimensional visualization and animation Software and System Visualization Software and System Visualization
On Generating Virtual Worlds from Domain Ontologies Semantic Aspects User Environment & Virtual Worlds
On the Development of Context-Aware Augmented Reality Applications Semantic Aspects Semantic Aspects
Ontology based approach to development of augmented reality applications Semantic Aspects Semantic Aspects
Ontology-Based Representation and Modelling of Synthetic 3D Content: A State-of-the-Art Review: Ontology-Based Representation and Modelling of Synthetic 3D Content Semantic Aspects Semantic Aspects
Ontology-Driven Generation of Interactive 3D Worlds Semantic Aspects Semantic Aspects
Petri net-based VR model interactive behaviour specification and control for maintaining training Training and Simulation Training and Simulation
Preliminary Evaluation of an Augmented Reality Collaborative Process Modelling System Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
PRISME: An interaction model linking domain activities and mixed and tangible interactors in virtual environments User Aspects and Interfaces User Aspects and Interfaces
PRISME: Toward a model linking tangible interaction and domain-specific tasks in mixed reality environments User Aspects and Interfaces User Aspects and Interfaces
Process Attribute Visualization in 3D and Virtual Reality Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
Process Modeling Within Augmented Reality: The Bidirectional Interplay of Two Worlds Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
Process training for industrial organisations using 3D environments: An empirical analysis Training and Simulation Training and Simulation
ProcessCity: Visualizing Business Processes as City Metaphor Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
ProConAR: A Tool Support for Model-Based AR Product Configuration Business and Process Aspects
RUBE: a customized 2D and 3D modeling framework for simulation Training and Simulation Training and Simulation
Seeking the Treasures of Theoretical Computer Science Education: Towards Educational Virtual Reality for the Visualization of Finite State Machines Software and System Visualization
Semantic model for distributed augmented reality services Semantic Aspects Semantic Aspects
Semantic modeling of Virtual Environments using MASCARET Semantic Aspects Semantic Aspects
Semantic Modelling of Interactive 3D Content with Domain-specific Ontologies Semantic Aspects Semantic Aspects
Semantic Representation of Domain Knowledge for Professional VR Training Semantic Aspects Semantic Aspects
Software Model Creation with Multidimensional UML Software and System Visualization Software and System Visualization
Specifying generic depictions of language constructs for 3D visual languages Concepts and Languages Concepts and Languages
SSIML/AR: A Visual Language for the Abstract Specification of Augmented Reality User Interfaces Concepts and Languages User Aspects and Interfaces
SSIML/Behaviour: Designing Behaviour and Animation of Graphical Objects in Virtual Reality and Multimedia Applications Concepts and Languages
SSIML/Components: a visual language for the abstract specification of 3D components Concepts and Languages Concepts and Languages
SSIML: designing structure and application integration of 3D scenes User Environment & Virtual Worlds Concepts and Languages
Statechart modelling of interactive gesture-based applications Software and System Visualization User Aspects and Interfaces
Storyboard Augmentation of Process Model Grammars for Stakeholder Communication: Business and Process Aspects Concepts and Languages
Study on Virtual Intelligent Assembly System for Machine Tools Based on Multi-Agent and Petri-Net    
Supporting Augmented Reality Industry 4.0 Processes with Context-aware Processing and Situational Knowledge Business and Process Aspects Semantic Aspects
The Next Generation – Design and Implementation of a Smart Glasses-based Modelling System
The Reuse of SysML Behaviour Models for Creating Product Use Cases in Virtual Reality Software and System Visualization  
Three Dimensional UML Using Force Directed Layout Software and System Visualization Software and System Visualization
Toward an Experiential Design Language: Augmenting Model-based Systems Engineering with Technical Storytelling in Virtual Worlds User Environment & Virtual Worlds Concepts and Languages
Towards a Virtual Reality-based Process Elicitation System Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
Towards Automating the Construction of Augmented Reality Interfaces for Information Systems User Aspects and Interfaces User Aspects and Interfaces
Towards Context-Aware Process Guidance in Cyber-Physical Systems with Augmented Reality Business and Process Aspects Semantic Aspects
Towards Domain-Specific Modelling Environments Based on Augmented Reality Concepts and Languages  
UBBA: Unity Based BPMN Animator Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
Using Augmented Reality in Software Engineering Education? First insights to a comparative study of 2D and AR UML modeling Software and System Visualization Software and System Visualization
Using virtual worlds for collaborative business process modeling Business and Process Aspects User Environment & Virtual Worlds
Virtual Business Role-Play: Leveraging Familiar Environments to Prime Stakeholder Memory During Process Elicitation Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
Virtual but visible software Software and System Visualization Software and System Visualization
Virtual Environment Visualisation of Executable Business Process Models Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
Virtual Factory: Competence-Based Adaptive Modelling and Simulation Approach for Manufacturing Enterprise Training and Simulation Training and Simulation
Virtual Reality in Model Based Systems Engineering: A Review Paper Software and System Visualization  
Virtual Reality Simulation for the Operating Room: Proficiency-Based Training as a Paradigm Shift in Surgical Skills Training Training and Simulation Training and Simulation
Virtual Worlds as a Model-View Approach to the Communication of Business Processes Models Business and Process Aspects User Environment & Virtual Worlds
VisAr3D: an innovative 3D visualization of UML models Software and System Visualization Software and System Visualization
Visualizing Business Process Models on Virtual Reality Screens Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
Visualizing live software systems in 3D Software and System Visualization Software and System Visualization
Visualizing Multiple Process Attributes in one 3D Process Representation Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
Visualizing Software in an Immersive Virtual Reality Environment Software and System Visualization Software and System Visualization
VR Training for Warehouse Management Training and Simulation Training and Simulation
VR-BPMN: Visualizing BPMN Models in Virtual Reality Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
VR-DeMo: a Tool-supported Approach Facilitating Flexible Development of Virtual Environments using Conceptual Modelling User Environment & Virtual Worlds User Environment & Virtual Worlds
VR-EA: Virtual Reality Visualization of Enterprise Architecture Models with ArchiMate and BPMN Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
VR-EAT: Visualization of Enterprise Architecture Tool Diagrams in Virtual Reality    
VREUD - An End-User Development Tool to Simplify the Creation of Interactive VR Scenes
VR-UML: The Unified Modeling Language in Virtual Reality – An Immersive Modeling Experience Software and System Visualization Software and System Visualization
When Model Driven Engineering meets virtual reality: Feedback from application to the Collaviz framework
Workflow ART: a framework for multidimensional workflow analysis Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
Workflow-based Setup of Smart Devices in Mixed Reality Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
X3D-UML: 3D UML Mechatronic Diagrams Software and System Visualization Software and System Visualization
X3D-UML: 3D UML State Machine Diagrams Software and System Visualization Software and System Visualization
X3D-UML: enabling advanced UML visualisation through X3D Software and System Visualization Software and System Visualization

Final Allocation by Reviewers 1 and 2: Iteration 2, with Title and the according allocations

Title Final Topic Allocation
3D behavioral model design for simulation and software engineering Training and Simulation
3D gadgets for business process visualization---a case study Business and Process Aspects
3D Progressive Education Environment for S-BPM Business and Process Aspects
3D representation of business process models Business and Process Aspects
3D Support for Business Process Simulation Business and Process Aspects
3D Virtual World BPM Training Systems: Process Gateway Experimental Results Training and Simulation
3D visualisation of code structures in Java software systems Software and System Visualization
3D visualization for software development Software and System Visualization
3D Visualization of Class Template Diagrams for Deployed Open Source Applications Software and System Visualization
3D-Visualization of Petri Net Models: Concept and Realization Software and System Visualization
A 3D Visualization Approach for Process Training in Office Environments Training and Simulation
A 3D-Navigator for Business Process Models Business and Process Aspects
A Context and Augmented Reality BPMN and BPMS Extension for Industrial Internet of Things Processes Business and Process Aspects
A context-aware augmented reality assisted maintenance system System Maintenance
A Context-aware Virtual Reality First Aid Training Application Training and Simulation
A Framework for Context-Dependent Augmented Reality Applications Using Machine Learning and Ontological Reasoning Semantic Aspects
A Method for Developing 3D User Interfaces of Information Systems User Aspects and Development Approaches
A method for efficient and task oriented configuration of Virtual Reality (VR) Models for the Analysis of Technical Systems Software and System Visualization
A model-based approach for data integration to improve maintenance management by mixed reality System Maintenance
A Model-based Framework for Context-aware Augmented Reality Applications Semantic Aspects
A novel context-aware augmented reality framework for maintenance systems Semantic Aspects
A Pedagogical Scenario Language for Virtual Learning Environment based on UML Meta-model - Application to Blood Analysis Instrument: Software and System Visualization
A pragmatic approach to augmented reality authoring User Aspects and Development Approaches
A Prototype Augmented Reality Collaborative Process Modelling Tool Business and Process Aspects
A survey of business process simulation visualization Training and Simulation
A systematic design method of adaptive augmented reality work instruction for complex industrial operations Training and Simulation
A systematic review of Augmented Reality content-related techniques for knowledge transfer in maintenance applications System Maintenance
A Theoretical Basis for Using Virtual Worlds as a Personalised Process Visualisation Approach User Aspects and Development Approaches
A training system for Industry 4.0 operators in complex assemblies based on virtual reality and process mining Training and Simulation
A Unified Framework for Augmented Reality and Knowledge-Based Systems in Maintaining Aircra Semantic Aspects
Adjusting AR-Workflows of Care Tasks: Experiences from an Initial Study Business and Process Aspects
AMIRE - authoring mixed reality Concepts and Languages
An Approach for Building Product Use-Case Scenarios in Different Virtual Reality Systems Business and Process Aspects
An authorable context-aware augmented reality system to assist the maintenance technicians System Maintenance
An Interactive Task Modeling Method for the Development of Augmented Reality Maintenance Guiding System System Maintenance
An Ontology for Semantic Representation of an Urban Virtual Environment Semantic Aspects
An ontology-based framework for automated code generation of Web AR applications Semantic Aspects
An Ontology-Driven Approach for Modeling Behavior in Virtual Environments Semantic Aspects
An Overview of 3D Software Visualization Software and System Visualization
Analysis and design of object-oriented software using multidimensional UML Software and System Visualization
Animated UML as a 3d-illustration for teaching OOP Software and System Visualization
APRIL A High-Level Framework for Creating Augmented Reality Presentations User Aspects and Development Approaches
Assessing Process Attribute Visualization and Interaction Approaches Based on a Controlled Experiment Business and Process Aspects
Assistance to Scenarisation of VR-Oriented Pedagogical Activities: Models and Tools User Aspects and Development Approaches
Augmented reality maintenance demonstrator and associated modelling System Maintenance
Augmented Reality Supported Modeling of Industrial Systems to Infer Software Configuration Software and System Visualization
Augmented Reality-Based Process Modelling for the Internet of Things with HoloFlows Business and Process Aspects
Augmenting and Assisting Model Elicitation Tasks with 3D Virtual World Context Metadata User Aspects and Development Approaches
Augmenting process elicitation with visual priming: An empirical exploration of user behaviour and modelling outcomes Business and Process Aspects
Authoring Mixed Reality — A Component and Framework-Based Approach User Aspects and Development Approaches
Authoring of a mixed reality assembly instructor for hierarchical structures User Aspects and Development Approaches
Automated Procedure Reconfiguration Framework for Augmented Reality-Guided Maintenance Applications System Maintenance
Beh-VR: Modeling Behavior of Dynamic Virtual Reality Contents User Aspects and Development Approaches
BPM to Go: Supporting Business Processes in a Mobile and Sensing World Business and Process Aspects
BPMN4SGA: A BPMN Extension for Smart Glasses Applications to enable Process Visualisations Business and Process Aspects
Building Contextual Augmented Reality Environments with semantics Semantic Aspects
Business Process Management of Virtual Enterprise based on Augmented Reality Business and Process Aspects
Business Process Modelling as Serious Game: Findings from a Field Study Business and Process Aspects
CARL: A Language for Modelling Contextual Augmented Reality Environments Concepts and Languages
Closing spatial und motivational gaps: Virtual Reality in Business Process Improvement Business and Process Aspects
Collaborative Business Process Modeling Using 3D Virtual Environments Business and Process Aspects
Collaborative Modeling and Visualization of Software Systems Using Multidimensional UML Software and System Visualization
Collaborative Modeling of Use Case & Damage Scenarios in Online Workshops Using a 3D Environment User Aspects and Development Approaches
Collaborative Software Modeling in Virtual Reality Software and System Visualization
Compiling VR/AR Trainings from Business Process Models Business and Process Aspects
Conceptual knowledge-based modeling of interactive 3D content Semantic Aspects
Conceptual Modeling for Virtual Reality Semantic Aspects
Conceptual Modeling of Articulated Bodies in Virtual Environments User Aspects and Development Approaches
Conceptual modelling in 3D virtual worlds for process communication Business and Process Aspects
Design and Development of a Process Modelling Environment for Business Process Utilization within Smart Glasses Business and Process Aspects
Design and Evaluation of a Smart-Glasses-based Service Support System User Aspects and Development Approaches
Design and evaluation of virtual environments mechanisms to support remote collaboration on complex process diagrams Business and Process Aspects
Design and implementation of a virtual world training simulation of ICU first hour handover processes Training and Simulation
Designing Augmented Reality Workflows for Care Specific Tasks User Aspects and Development Approaches
Developing a virtual-world simulation Training and Simulation
Developing augmented reality capabilities for industry 4.0 small enterprises: Lessons learnt from a content authoring case study Business and Process Aspects
Developing Mixed Interactive Systems: A Model-Based Process for Generating and Managing Design Solutions User Aspects and Development Approaches
Development framework for context-aware augmented reality applications Semantic Aspects
Development of a prototype for Smart Glasses-based process modelling Business and Process Aspects
Development of an augmented reality-based process management system: The case of a natural gas power plant Business and Process Aspects
DEViL3D – A Generator Framework for Three-Dimensional Visual Languages Business and Process Aspects
Eclipse GEF3D: Bringing 3D to Existing 2D Editors Concepts and Languages
Enabling Collaborative Business Process Elicitation in Virtual Environments Business and Process Aspects
Enhancing UML Conceptual Modeling through the Use of Virtual Reality Software and System Visualization
Ensuring semantic spatial constraints in virtual environments using UML/OCL Semantic Aspects
Evaluating Compliance State Visualizations for Multiple Process Models and Instances Business and Process Aspects
Expanding Stakeholder Participation in Upfront System Engineering through Storytelling in Virtual Worlds: MADNI User Aspects and Development Approaches
Exploring Microsoft Hololens for Interactive Visualization of UML Diagrams Software and System Visualization
Gamified Virtual Reality for Program Code Structure Comprehension Software and System Visualization
Gef3D: a framework for two-, two-and-a-half-, and three-dimensional graphical editors Software and System Visualization
Geist3D, a Simulation Tool for Geometry-Driven Petri Nets Training and Simulation
Generating Smart Glasses-based Information Systems with BPMN4SGA: A BPMN Extension for Smart Glasses Applications Business and Process Aspects
HoloFlows: modelling of processes for the Internet of Things in mixed reality Business and Process Aspects
How to Create a New Generation of Industrial Processes Simulation by Coupling Simulation Tools with VR Platforms Business and Process Aspects
Hybrid recommendations and dynamic authoring for AR knowledge capture and re-use in diagnosis applications Semantic Aspects
Immersive authoring of Tangible Augmented Reality content: A user study User Aspects and Development Approaches
Immersive Process Model Exploration in Virtual Reality Business and Process Aspects
Improving Remote Collaborative Process Modelling using Embodiment in 3D Virtual Environments Business and Process Aspects
Inference-based creation of synthetic 3D content with ontologies Semantic Aspects
Initial Concepts for Augmented and Virtual Reality-based Enterprise Modeling Concepts and Languages
Integrating Heterogeneous Tools into Model-Centric Development of Interactive Applications User Aspects and Development Approaches
Integrating Semantic Directional Relationships into Virtual Environments: A Meta-modelling Approach Semantic Aspects
Integration of Augmented Reality into Professional Care Processes Business and Process Aspects
Integration of Augmented Reality Technologies in Process Modeling - The Augmentation of Real World Scenarios With the KMDL: Business and Process Aspects
Integration of SysML models in a 3D environment for Virtual Testing and Validation Software and System Visualization
Intelligent Augmented Reality Training for Assembly Tasks Training and Simulation
Intelligent Augmented Reality Training for Motherboard Assembly Training and Simulation
Intelligent Modelling of Virtual Worlds Using Domain Ontologies Semantic Aspects
Interdisciplinary Collaboration in Augmented Reality Development - A Process Model Business and Process Aspects
Jacob - An Animated Instruction Agent in Virtual Reality Training and Simulation
Large-scale distributed semantic augmented reality services – A performance evaluation Semantic Aspects
Lets Get in Touch - Decision Making about Enterprise Architecture Using 3D Visualization in Augmented Reality Software and System Visualization
Leveraging Augmented Reality to Support Context Aware Tasks in Alignment with Business Processes Business and Process Aspects
MASCARET: creating virtual learning environments from system modelling Training and Simulation
MASCARET: pedagogical multi-agents systems for virtual environment for training Training and Simulation
MeRiTS: Simulation-Based Training for Healthcare Professionals Training and Simulation
Mixed reality cyber-physical systems control and workflow composition Business and Process Aspects
Mobile Service Support based on Smart Glasses Business and Process Aspects
Model as You Do: Engaging an S-BPM Vendor on Process Modelling in 3D Virtual Worlds Business and Process Aspects
Model based systems engineering (MBSE) approach for configurable product use-case scenarios in virtual environments Business and Process Aspects
Model-Based Product Configuration in Augmented Reality Applications Business and Process Aspects
Model-based training of manual procedures in automated production systems Training and Simulation
Model-driven development of augmented reality-based editors for domain specific languages Concepts and Languages
Model-driven iterative development of 3D web-applications using SSIML, X3D and JavaScript Concepts and Languages
Modeling Augmented Reality User Interfaces with SSIML/AR User Aspects and Development Approaches
Modeling Interactive Augmented Reality Environments User Aspects and Development Approaches
Modeling, Visualizing, and Checking Software Architectures Collaboratively in Shared Virtual Worlds Software and System Visualization
Multi-modal augmented-reality assembly guidance based on bare-hand interface User Aspects and Development Approaches
Notational Support for the Design of Augmented Reality Systems Concepts and Languages
On better understanding UML diagrams through interactive three-dimensional visualization and animation Software and System Visualization
On Generating Virtual Worlds from Domain Ontologies Semantic Aspects
On the Development of Context-Aware Augmented Reality Applications Semantic Aspects
Ontology based approach to development of augmented reality applications Semantic Aspects
Ontology-Based Representation and Modelling of Synthetic 3D Content: A State-of-the-Art Review: Ontology-Based Representation and Modelling of Synthetic 3D Content Semantic Aspects
Ontology-Driven Generation of Interactive 3D Worlds Semantic Aspects
Petri net-based VR model interactive behaviour specification and control for maintaining training Training and Simulation
Preliminary Evaluation of an Augmented Reality Collaborative Process Modelling System Business and Process Aspects
PRISME: An interaction model linking domain activities and mixed and tangible interactors in virtual environments User Aspects and Development Approaches
PRISME: Toward a model linking tangible interaction and domain-specific tasks in mixed reality environments User Aspects and Development Approaches
Process Attribute Visualization in 3D and Virtual Reality Business and Process Aspects
Process Modeling Within Augmented Reality: The Bidirectional Interplay of Two Worlds Business and Process Aspects
Process training for industrial organisations using 3D environments: An empirical analysis Training and Simulation
ProcessCity: Visualizing Business Processes as City Metaphor Business and Process Aspects
ProConAR: A Tool Support for Model-Based AR Product Configuration Business and Process Aspects
RUBE: a customized 2D and 3D modeling framework for simulation Training and Simulation
Seeking the Treasures of Theoretical Computer Science Education: Towards Educational Virtual Reality for the Visualization of Finite State Machines Software and System Visualization
Semantic model for distributed augmented reality services Semantic Aspects
Semantic modeling of Virtual Environments using MASCARET Semantic Aspects
Semantic Modelling of Interactive 3D Content with Domain-specific Ontologies Semantic Aspects
Semantic Representation of Domain Knowledge for Professional VR Training Semantic Aspects
Software Model Creation with Multidimensional UML Software and System Visualization
Specifying generic depictions of language constructs for 3D visual languages Concepts and Languages
SSIML/AR: A Visual Language for the Abstract Specification of Augmented Reality User Interfaces Concepts and Languages
SSIML/Behaviour: Designing Behaviour and Animation of Graphical Objects in Virtual Reality and Multimedia Applications Concepts and Languages
SSIML/Components: a visual language for the abstract specification of 3D components Concepts and Languages
SSIML: designing structure and application integration of 3D scenes Concepts and Languages
Statechart modelling of interactive gesture-based applications Software and System Visualization
Storyboard Augmentation of Process Model Grammars for Stakeholder Communication: Business and Process Aspects
Study on Virtual Intelligent Assembly System for Machine Tools Based on Multi-Agent and Petri-Net User Aspects and Development Approaches
Supporting Augmented Reality Industry 4.0 Processes with Context-aware Processing and Situational Knowledge Business and Process Aspects
The Next Generation – Design and Implementation of a Smart Glasses-based Modelling System Business and Process Aspects
The Reuse of SysML Behaviour Models for Creating Product Use Cases in Virtual Reality Software and System Visualization
Three Dimensional UML Using Force Directed Layout Software and System Visualization
Toward an Experiential Design Language: Augmenting Model-based Systems Engineering with Technical Storytelling in Virtual Worlds User Aspects and Development Approaches
Towards a Virtual Reality-based Process Elicitation System Business and Process Aspects
Towards Automating the Construction of Augmented Reality Interfaces for Information Systems User Aspects and Development Approaches
Towards Context-Aware Process Guidance in Cyber-Physical Systems with Augmented Reality Business and Process Aspects
Towards Domain-Specific Modelling Environments Based on Augmented Reality Concepts and Languages
UBBA: Unity Based BPMN Animator Business and Process Aspects
Using Augmented Reality in Software Engineering Education? First insights to a comparative study of 2D and AR UML modeling Software and System Visualization
Using virtual worlds for collaborative business process modeling Business and Process Aspects
Virtual Business Role-Play: Leveraging Familiar Environments to Prime Stakeholder Memory During Process Elicitation Business and Process Aspects
Virtual but visible software Software and System Visualization
Virtual Environment Visualisation of Executable Business Process Models Business and Process Aspects
Virtual Factory: Competence-Based Adaptive Modelling and Simulation Approach for Manufacturing Enterprise Training and Simulation
Virtual Reality in Model Based Systems Engineering: A Review Paper Software and System Visualization
Virtual Reality Simulation for the Operating Room: Proficiency-Based Training as a Paradigm Shift in Surgical Skills Training Training and Simulation
Virtual Worlds as a Model-View Approach to the Communication of Business Processes Models Business and Process Aspects
VisAr3D: an innovative 3D visualization of UML models Software and System Visualization
Visualizing Business Process Models on Virtual Reality Screens Business and Process Aspects
Visualizing live software systems in 3D Software and System Visualization
Visualizing Multiple Process Attributes in one 3D Process Representation Business and Process Aspects
Visualizing Software in an Immersive Virtual Reality Environment Software and System Visualization
VR Training for Warehouse Management Training and Simulation
VR-BPMN: Visualizing BPMN Models in Virtual Reality Business and Process Aspects
VR-DeMo: a Tool-supported Approach Facilitating Flexible Development of Virtual Environments using Conceptual Modelling User Aspects and Development Approaches
VR-EA: Virtual Reality Visualization of Enterprise Architecture Models with ArchiMate and BPMN Business and Process Aspects
VR-EAT: Visualization of Enterprise Architecture Tool Diagrams in Virtual Reality User Aspects and Development Approaches
VREUD - An End-User Development Tool to Simplify the Creation of Interactive VR Scenes User Aspects and Development Approaches
VR-UML: The Unified Modeling Language in Virtual Reality – An Immersive Modeling Experience Software and System Visualization
When Model Driven Engineering meets virtual reality: Feedback from application to the Collaviz framework User Aspects and Development Approaches
Workflow ART: a framework for multidimensional workflow analysis Business and Process Aspects
Workflow-based Setup of Smart Devices in Mixed Reality Business and Process Aspects
X3D-UML: 3D UML Mechatronic Diagrams Software and System Visualization
X3D-UML: 3D UML State Machine Diagrams Software and System Visualization
X3D-UML: enabling advanced UML visualisation through X3D Software and System Visualization

Comparison between Final Allocation of Iteration 2 and Reviewer 3: Iteration 3, with Title and the according allocations

Title Final Allocation Reviewers 1 and 2 Allocation Reviewer 3
3D behavioral model design for simulation and software engineering Training and Simulation Software and System Visualization
3D gadgets for business process visualization---a case study Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
3D Progressive Education Environment for S-BPM Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
3D representation of business process models Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
3D Support for Business Process Simulation Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
3D Virtual World BPM Training Systems: Process Gateway Experimental Results Training and Simulation Business and Process Aspects
3D visualisation of code structures in Java software systems Software and System Visualization Software and System Visualization
3D visualization for software development Software and System Visualization Software and System Visualization
3D Visualization of Class Template Diagrams for Deployed Open Source Applications Software and System Visualization Software and System Visualization
3D-Visualization of Petri Net Models: Concept and Realization Software and System Visualization Software and System Visualization
A 3D Visualization Approach for Process Training in Office Environments Training and Simulation Training and Simulation
A 3D-Navigator for Business Process Models Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
A Context and Augmented Reality BPMN and BPMS Extension for Industrial Internet of Things Processes Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
A context-aware augmented reality assisted maintenance system System Maintenance System Maintenance
A Context-aware Virtual Reality First Aid Training Application Training and Simulation Training and Simulation
A Framework for Context-Dependent Augmented Reality Applications Using Machine Learning and Ontological Reasoning Semantic Aspects User Aspects and Development Approaches
A Method for Developing 3D User Interfaces of Information Systems User Aspects and Development Approaches User Aspects and Development Approaches
A method for efficient and task oriented configuration of Virtual Reality (VR) Models for the Analysis of Technical Systems Software and System Visualization System Maintenance
A model-based approach for data integration to improve maintenance management by mixed reality System Maintenance System Maintenance
A Model-based Framework for Context-aware Augmented Reality Applications Semantic Aspects Concepts and Languages
A novel context-aware augmented reality framework for maintenance systems Semantic Aspects System Maintenance
A Pedagogical Scenario Language for Virtual Learning Environment based on UML Meta-model - Application to Blood Analysis Instrument: Software and System Visualization Concepts and Languages
A pragmatic approach to augmented reality authoring User Aspects and Development Approaches User Aspects and Development Approaches
A Prototype Augmented Reality Collaborative Process Modelling Tool Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
A survey of business process simulation visualization Training and Simulation Business and Process Aspects
A systematic design method of adaptive augmented reality work instruction for complex industrial operations Training and Simulation User Aspects and Development Approaches
A systematic review of Augmented Reality content-related techniques for knowledge transfer in maintenance applications System Maintenance System Maintenance
A Theoretical Basis for Using Virtual Worlds as a Personalised Process Visualisation Approach User Aspects and Development Approaches Business and Process Aspects
A training system for Industry 4.0 operators in complex assemblies based on virtual reality and process mining Training and Simulation Training and Simulation
A Unified Framework for Augmented Reality and Knowledge-Based Systems in Maintaining Aircra Semantic Aspects System Maintenance
Adjusting AR-Workflows of Care Tasks: Experiences from an Initial Study Business and Process Aspects
AMIRE - authoring mixed reality Concepts and Languages User Aspects and Development Approaches
An Approach for Building Product Use-Case Scenarios in Different Virtual Reality Systems Business and Process Aspects User Aspects and Development Approaches
An authorable context-aware augmented reality system to assist the maintenance technicians System Maintenance System Maintenance
An Interactive Task Modeling Method for the Development of Augmented Reality Maintenance Guiding System System Maintenance User Aspects and Development Approaches
An Ontology for Semantic Representation of an Urban Virtual Environment Semantic Aspects Semantic Aspects
An ontology-based framework for automated code generation of Web AR applications Semantic Aspects User Aspects and Development Approaches
An Ontology-Driven Approach for Modeling Behavior in Virtual Environments Semantic Aspects Concepts and Languages
An Overview of 3D Software Visualization Software and System Visualization Software and System Visualization
Analysis and design of object-oriented software using multidimensional UML Software and System Visualization Concepts and Languages
Animated UML as a 3d-illustration for teaching OOP Software and System Visualization Software and System Visualization
APRIL A High-Level Framework for Creating Augmented Reality Presentations User Aspects and Development Approaches User Aspects and Development Approaches
Assessing Process Attribute Visualization and Interaction Approaches Based on a Controlled Experiment Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
Assistance to Scenarisation of VR-Oriented Pedagogical Activities: Models and Tools User Aspects and Development Approaches User Aspects and Development Approaches
Augmented reality maintenance demonstrator and associated modelling System Maintenance System Maintenance
Augmented Reality Supported Modeling of Industrial Systems to Infer Software Configuration Software and System Visualization System Maintenance
Augmented Reality-Based Process Modelling for the Internet of Things with HoloFlows Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
Augmenting and Assisting Model Elicitation Tasks with 3D Virtual World Context Metadata User Aspects and Development Approaches User Aspects and Development Approaches
Augmenting process elicitation with visual priming: An empirical exploration of user behaviour and modelling outcomes Business and Process Aspects User Aspects and Development Approaches
Authoring Mixed Reality — A Component and Framework-Based Approach User Aspects and Development Approaches User Aspects and Development Approaches
Authoring of a mixed reality assembly instructor for hierarchical structures User Aspects and Development Approaches Training and Simulation
Automated Procedure Reconfiguration Framework for Augmented Reality-Guided Maintenance Applications System Maintenance System Maintenance
Beh-VR: Modeling Behavior of Dynamic Virtual Reality Contents User Aspects and Development Approaches Concepts and Languages
BPM to Go: Supporting Business Processes in a Mobile and Sensing World Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
BPMN4SGA: A BPMN Extension for Smart Glasses Applications to enable Process Visualisations Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
Building Contextual Augmented Reality Environments with semantics Semantic Aspects User Aspects and Development Approaches
Business Process Management of Virtual Enterprise based on Augmented Reality Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
Business Process Modelling as Serious Game: Findings from a Field Study Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
CARL: A Language for Modelling Contextual Augmented Reality Environments Concepts and Languages Concepts and Languages
Closing spatial und motivational gaps: Virtual Reality in Business Process Improvement Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
Collaborative Business Process Modeling Using 3D Virtual Environments Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
Collaborative Modeling and Visualization of Software Systems Using Multidimensional UML Software and System Visualization Software and System Visualization
Collaborative Modeling of Use Case & Damage Scenarios in Online Workshops Using a 3D Environment User Aspects and Development Approaches Concepts and Languages
Collaborative Software Modeling in Virtual Reality Software and System Visualization Software and System Visualization
Compiling VR/AR Trainings from Business Process Models Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
Conceptual knowledge-based modeling of interactive 3D content Semantic Aspects Concepts and Languages
Conceptual Modeling for Virtual Reality Semantic Aspects Concepts and Languages
Conceptual Modeling of Articulated Bodies in Virtual Environments User Aspects and Development Approaches Concepts and Languages
Conceptual modelling in 3D virtual worlds for process communication Business and Process Aspects Concepts and Languages
Design and Development of a Process Modelling Environment for Business Process Utilization within Smart Glasses Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
Design and Evaluation of a Smart-Glasses-based Service Support System User Aspects and Development Approaches User Aspects and Development Approaches
Design and evaluation of virtual environments mechanisms to support remote collaboration on complex process diagrams Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
Design and implementation of a virtual world training simulation of ICU first hour handover processes Training and Simulation Training and Simulation
Designing Augmented Reality Workflows for Care Specific Tasks User Aspects and Development Approaches Business and Process Aspects
Developing a virtual-world simulation Training and Simulation User Aspects and Development Approaches
Developing augmented reality capabilities for industry 4.0 small enterprises: Lessons learnt from a content authoring case study Business and Process Aspects User Aspects and Development Approaches
Developing Mixed Interactive Systems: A Model-Based Process for Generating and Managing Design Solutions User Aspects and Development Approaches User Aspects and Development Approaches
Development framework for context-aware augmented reality applications Semantic Aspects User Aspects and Development Approaches
Development of a prototype for Smart Glasses-based process modelling Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
Development of an augmented reality-based process management system: The case of a natural gas power plant Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
DEViL3D – A Generator Framework for Three-Dimensional Visual Languages Business and Process Aspects User Aspects and Development Approaches
Eclipse GEF3D: Bringing 3D to Existing 2D Editors Concepts and Languages User Aspects and Development Approaches
Enabling Collaborative Business Process Elicitation in Virtual Environments Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
Enhancing UML Conceptual Modeling through the Use of Virtual Reality Software and System Visualization Concepts and Languages
Ensuring semantic spatial constraints in virtual environments using UML/OCL Semantic Aspects Semantic Aspects
Evaluating Compliance State Visualizations for Multiple Process Models and Instances Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
Expanding Stakeholder Participation in Upfront System Engineering through Storytelling in Virtual Worlds: MADNI User Aspects and Development Approaches
Exploring Microsoft Hololens for Interactive Visualization of UML Diagrams Software and System Visualization Software and System Visualization
Gamified Virtual Reality for Program Code Structure Comprehension Software and System Visualization Software and System Visualization
Gef3D: a framework for two-, two-and-a-half-, and three-dimensional graphical editors Software and System Visualization User Aspects and Development Approaches
Geist3D, a Simulation Tool for Geometry-Driven Petri Nets Training and Simulation Training and Simulation
Generating Smart Glasses-based Information Systems with BPMN4SGA: A BPMN Extension for Smart Glasses Applications Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
HoloFlows: modelling of processes for the Internet of Things in mixed reality Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
How to Create a New Generation of Industrial Processes Simulation by Coupling Simulation Tools with VR Platforms Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
Hybrid recommendations and dynamic authoring for AR knowledge capture and re-use in diagnosis applications Semantic Aspects User Aspects and Development Approaches
Immersive authoring of Tangible Augmented Reality content: A user study User Aspects and Development Approaches User Aspects and Development Approaches
Immersive Process Model Exploration in Virtual Reality Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
Improving Remote Collaborative Process Modelling using Embodiment in 3D Virtual Environments Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
Inference-based creation of synthetic 3D content with ontologies Semantic Aspects Concepts and Languages
Initial Concepts for Augmented and Virtual Reality-based Enterprise Modeling Concepts and Languages Concepts and Languages
Integrating Heterogeneous Tools into Model-Centric Development of Interactive Applications User Aspects and Development Approaches User Aspects and Development Approaches
Integrating Semantic Directional Relationships into Virtual Environments: A Meta-modelling Approach Semantic Aspects Semantic Aspects
Integration of Augmented Reality into Professional Care Processes Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
Integration of Augmented Reality Technologies in Process Modeling - The Augmentation of Real World Scenarios With the KMDL: Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
Integration of SysML models in a 3D environment for Virtual Testing and Validation Software and System Visualization Software and System Visualization
Intelligent Augmented Reality Training for Assembly Tasks Training and Simulation Training and Simulation
Intelligent Augmented Reality Training for Motherboard Assembly Training and Simulation Training and Simulation
Intelligent Modelling of Virtual Worlds Using Domain Ontologies Semantic Aspects Semantic Aspects
Interdisciplinary Collaboration in Augmented Reality Development - A Process Model Business and Process Aspects User Aspects and Development Approaches
Jacob - An Animated Instruction Agent in Virtual Reality Training and Simulation Training and Simulation
Large-scale distributed semantic augmented reality services – A performance evaluation Semantic Aspects Semantic Aspects
Lets Get in Touch - Decision Making about Enterprise Architecture Using 3D Visualization in Augmented Reality Software and System Visualization Business and Process Aspects
Leveraging Augmented Reality to Support Context Aware Tasks in Alignment with Business Processes Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
MASCARET: creating virtual learning environments from system modelling Training and Simulation Concepts and Languages
MASCARET: pedagogical multi-agents systems for virtual environment for training Training and Simulation Training and Simulation
MeRiTS: Simulation-Based Training for Healthcare Professionals Training and Simulation Training and Simulation
Mixed reality cyber-physical systems control and workflow composition Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
Mobile Service Support based on Smart Glasses Business and Process Aspects System Maintenance
Model as You Do: Engaging an S-BPM Vendor on Process Modelling in 3D Virtual Worlds Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
Model based systems engineering (MBSE) approach for configurable product use-case scenarios in virtual environments Business and Process Aspects Concepts and Languages
Model-Based Product Configuration in Augmented Reality Applications Business and Process Aspects User Aspects and Development Approaches
Model-based training of manual procedures in automated production systems Training and Simulation Training and Simulation
Model-driven development of augmented reality-based editors for domain specific languages Concepts and Languages User Aspects and Development Approaches
Model-driven iterative development of 3D web-applications using SSIML, X3D and JavaScript Concepts and Languages User Aspects and Development Approaches
Modeling Augmented Reality User Interfaces with SSIML/AR User Aspects and Development Approaches Concepts and Languages
Modeling Interactive Augmented Reality Environments User Aspects and Development Approaches Concepts and Languages
Modeling, Visualizing, and Checking Software Architectures Collaboratively in Shared Virtual Worlds Software and System Visualization Software and System Visualization
Multi-modal augmented-reality assembly guidance based on bare-hand interface User Aspects and Development Approaches System Maintenance
Notational Support for the Design of Augmented Reality Systems Concepts and Languages Concepts and Languages
On better understanding UML diagrams through interactive three-dimensional visualization and animation Software and System Visualization Software and System Visualization
On Generating Virtual Worlds from Domain Ontologies Semantic Aspects User Aspects and Development Approaches
On the Development of Context-Aware Augmented Reality Applications Semantic Aspects User Aspects and Development Approaches
Ontology based approach to development of augmented reality applications Semantic Aspects Concepts and Languages
Ontology-Based Representation and Modelling of Synthetic 3D Content: A State-of-the-Art Review: Ontology-Based Representation and Modelling of Synthetic 3D Content Semantic Aspects Concepts and Languages
Ontology-Driven Generation of Interactive 3D Worlds Semantic Aspects User Aspects and Development Approaches
Petri net-based VR model interactive behaviour specification and control for maintaining training Training and Simulation System Maintenance
Preliminary Evaluation of an Augmented Reality Collaborative Process Modelling System Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
PRISME: An interaction model linking domain activities and mixed and tangible interactors in virtual environments User Aspects and Development Approaches Concepts and Languages
PRISME: Toward a model linking tangible interaction and domain-specific tasks in mixed reality environments User Aspects and Development Approaches Concepts and Languages
Process Attribute Visualization in 3D and Virtual Reality Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
Process Modeling Within Augmented Reality: The Bidirectional Interplay of Two Worlds Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
Process training for industrial organisations using 3D environments: An empirical analysis Training and Simulation Training and Simulation
ProcessCity: Visualizing Business Processes as City Metaphor Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
ProConAR: A Tool Support for Model-Based AR Product Configuration Business and Process Aspects User Aspects and Development Approaches
RUBE: a customized 2D and 3D modeling framework for simulation Training and Simulation Concepts and Languages
Seeking the Treasures of Theoretical Computer Science Education: Towards Educational Virtual Reality for the Visualization of Finite State Machines Software and System Visualization Software and System Visualization
Semantic model for distributed augmented reality services Semantic Aspects Semantic Aspects
Semantic modeling of Virtual Environments using MASCARET Semantic Aspects Semantic Aspects
Semantic Modelling of Interactive 3D Content with Domain-specific Ontologies Semantic Aspects Semantic Aspects
Semantic Representation of Domain Knowledge for Professional VR Training Semantic Aspects Semantic Aspects
Software Model Creation with Multidimensional UML Software and System Visualization Concepts and Languages
Specifying generic depictions of language constructs for 3D visual languages Concepts and Languages Concepts and Languages
SSIML/AR: A Visual Language for the Abstract Specification of Augmented Reality User Interfaces Concepts and Languages Concepts and Languages
SSIML/Behaviour: Designing Behaviour and Animation of Graphical Objects in Virtual Reality and Multimedia Applications Concepts and Languages User Aspects and Development Approaches
SSIML/Components: a visual language for the abstract specification of 3D components Concepts and Languages Concepts and Languages
SSIML: designing structure and application integration of 3D scenes Concepts and Languages User Aspects and Development Approaches
Statechart modelling of interactive gesture-based applications Software and System Visualization Concepts and Languages
Storyboard Augmentation of Process Model Grammars for Stakeholder Communication: Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
Study on Virtual Intelligent Assembly System for Machine Tools Based on Multi-Agent and Petri-Net User Aspects and Development Approaches System Maintenance
Supporting Augmented Reality Industry 4.0 Processes with Context-aware Processing and Situational Knowledge Business and Process Aspects System Maintenance
The Next Generation – Design and Implementation of a Smart Glasses-based Modelling System Business and Process Aspects Concepts and Languages
The Reuse of SysML Behaviour Models for Creating Product Use Cases in Virtual Reality Software and System Visualization User Aspects and Development Approaches
Three Dimensional UML Using Force Directed Layout Software and System Visualization Software and System Visualization
Toward an Experiential Design Language: Augmenting Model-based Systems Engineering with Technical Storytelling in Virtual Worlds User Aspects and Development Approaches Concepts and Languages
Towards a Virtual Reality-based Process Elicitation System Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
Towards Automating the Construction of Augmented Reality Interfaces for Information Systems User Aspects and Development Approaches User Aspects and Development Approaches
Towards Context-Aware Process Guidance in Cyber-Physical Systems with Augmented Reality Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
Towards Domain-Specific Modelling Environments Based on Augmented Reality Concepts and Languages Concepts and Languages
UBBA: Unity Based BPMN Animator Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
Using Augmented Reality in Software Engineering Education? First insights to a comparative study of 2D and AR UML modeling Software and System Visualization Software and System Visualization
Using virtual worlds for collaborative business process modeling Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
Virtual Business Role-Play: Leveraging Familiar Environments to Prime Stakeholder Memory During Process Elicitation Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
Virtual but visible software Software and System Visualization Software and System Visualization
Virtual Environment Visualisation of Executable Business Process Models Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
Virtual Factory: Competence-Based Adaptive Modelling and Simulation Approach for Manufacturing Enterprise Training and Simulation Concepts and Languages
Virtual Reality in Model Based Systems Engineering: A Review Paper Software and System Visualization Concepts and Languages
Virtual Reality Simulation for the Operating Room: Proficiency-Based Training as a Paradigm Shift in Surgical Skills Training Training and Simulation Training and Simulation
Virtual Worlds as a Model-View Approach to the Communication of Business Processes Models Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
VisAr3D: an innovative 3D visualization of UML models Software and System Visualization Software and System Visualization
Visualizing Business Process Models on Virtual Reality Screens Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
Visualizing live software systems in 3D Software and System Visualization Business and Process Aspects
Visualizing Multiple Process Attributes in one 3D Process Representation Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
Visualizing Software in an Immersive Virtual Reality Environment Software and System Visualization Software and System Visualization
VR Training for Warehouse Management Training and Simulation Training and Simulation
VR-BPMN: Visualizing BPMN Models in Virtual Reality Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
VR-DeMo: a Tool-supported Approach Facilitating Flexible Development of Virtual Environments using Conceptual Modelling User Aspects and Development Approaches User Aspects and Development Approaches
VR-EA: Virtual Reality Visualization of Enterprise Architecture Models with ArchiMate and BPMN Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
VR-EAT: Visualization of Enterprise Architecture Tool Diagrams in Virtual Reality User Aspects and Development Approaches Business and Process Aspects
VREUD - An End-User Development Tool to Simplify the Creation of Interactive VR Scenes User Aspects and Development Approaches User Aspects and Development Approaches
VR-UML: The Unified Modeling Language in Virtual Reality – An Immersive Modeling Experience Software and System Visualization Software and System Visualization
When Model Driven Engineering meets virtual reality: Feedback from application to the Collaviz framework User Aspects and Development Approaches User Aspects and Development Approaches
Workflow ART: a framework for multidimensional workflow analysis Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
Workflow-based Setup of Smart Devices in Mixed Reality Business and Process Aspects User Aspects and Development Approaches
X3D-UML: 3D UML Mechatronic Diagrams Software and System Visualization Concepts and Languages
X3D-UML: 3D UML State Machine Diagrams Software and System Visualization Concepts and Languages
X3D-UML: enabling advanced UML visualisation through X3D Software and System Visualization Concepts and Languages

Comparison between Final Allocation of Iteration 2 and the final allocation of Reviewer 3: Iteration 4, with Title and the according allocations

Final Allocation Reviewers 1 and 2
Final Allocation Reviewer 3
3D behavioral model design for simulation and software engineering Training and Simulation Software and System Visualization
3D gadgets for business process visualization---a case study Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
3D Progressive Education Environment for S-BPM Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
3D representation of business process models Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
3D Support for Business Process Simulation Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
3D Virtual World BPM Training Systems: Process Gateway Experimental Results Training and Simulation Training and Simulation
3D visualisation of code structures in Java software systems Software and System Visualization Software and System Visualization
3D visualization for software development Software and System Visualization Software and System Visualization
3D Visualization of Class Template Diagrams for Deployed Open Source Applications Software and System Visualization Software and System Visualization
3D-Visualization of Petri Net Models: Concept and Realization Software and System Visualization Software and System Visualization
A 3D Visualization Approach for Process Training in Office Environments Training and Simulation Training and Simulation
A 3D-Navigator for Business Process Models Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
A Context and Augmented Reality BPMN and BPMS Extension for Industrial Internet of Things Processes Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
A context-aware augmented reality assisted maintenance system System Maintenance System Maintenance
A Context-aware Virtual Reality First Aid Training Application Training and Simulation Training and Simulation
A Framework for Context-Dependent Augmented Reality Applications Using Machine Learning and Ontological Reasoning Semantic Aspects Semantic Aspects
A Method for Developing 3D User Interfaces of Information Systems User Aspects and Development Approaches User Aspects and Development Approaches
A method for efficient and task oriented configuration of Virtual Reality (VR) Models for the Analysis of Technical Systems Software and System Visualization User Aspects and Development Approaches
A model-based approach for data integration to improve maintenance management by mixed reality System Maintenance System Maintenance
A Model-based Framework for Context-aware Augmented Reality Applications Semantic Aspects Concepts and Languages
A novel context-aware augmented reality framework for maintenance systems Semantic Aspects Semantic Aspects
A Pedagogical Scenario Language for Virtual Learning Environment based on UML Meta-model - Application to Blood Analysis Instrument: Software and System Visualization Concepts and Languages
A pragmatic approach to augmented reality authoring User Aspects and Development Approaches User Aspects and Development Approaches
A Prototype Augmented Reality Collaborative Process Modelling Tool Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
A survey of business process simulation visualization Training and Simulation Business and Process Aspects
A systematic design method of adaptive augmented reality work instruction for complex industrial operations Training and Simulation User Aspects and Development Approaches
A systematic review of Augmented Reality content-related techniques for knowledge transfer in maintenance applications System Maintenance System Maintenance
A Theoretical Basis for Using Virtual Worlds as a Personalised Process Visualisation Approach User Aspects and Development Approaches Business and Process Aspects
A training system for Industry 4.0 operators in complex assemblies based on virtual reality and process mining Training and Simulation Training and Simulation
A Unified Framework for Augmented Reality and Knowledge-Based Systems in Maintaining Aircra Semantic Aspects System Maintenance
Adjusting AR-Workflows of Care Tasks: Experiences from an Initial Study Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
AMIRE - authoring mixed reality Concepts and Languages Training and Simulation
An Approach for Building Product Use-Case Scenarios in Different Virtual Reality Systems Business and Process Aspects User Aspects and Development Approaches
An authorable context-aware augmented reality system to assist the maintenance technicians System Maintenance System Maintenance
An Interactive Task Modeling Method for the Development of Augmented Reality Maintenance Guiding System System Maintenance Concepts and Languages
An Ontology for Semantic Representation of an Urban Virtual Environment Semantic Aspects Semantic Aspects
An ontology-based framework for automated code generation of Web AR applications Semantic Aspects User Aspects and Development Approaches
An Ontology-Driven Approach for Modeling Behavior in Virtual Environments Semantic Aspects Concepts and Languages
An Overview of 3D Software Visualization Software and System Visualization Software and System Visualization
Analysis and design of object-oriented software using multidimensional UML Software and System Visualization Software and System Visualization
Animated UML as a 3d-illustration for teaching OOP Software and System Visualization Software and System Visualization
APRIL A High-Level Framework for Creating Augmented Reality Presentations User Aspects and Development Approaches User Aspects and Development Approaches
Assessing Process Attribute Visualization and Interaction Approaches Based on a Controlled Experiment Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
Assistance to Scenarisation of VR-Oriented Pedagogical Activities: Models and Tools User Aspects and Development Approaches User Aspects and Development Approaches
Augmented reality maintenance demonstrator and associated modelling System Maintenance System Maintenance
Augmented Reality Supported Modeling of Industrial Systems to Infer Software Configuration Software and System Visualization User Aspects and Development Approaches
Augmented Reality-Based Process Modelling for the Internet of Things with HoloFlows Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
Augmenting and Assisting Model Elicitation Tasks with 3D Virtual World Context Metadata User Aspects and Development Approaches User Aspects and Development Approaches
Augmenting process elicitation with visual priming: An empirical exploration of user behaviour and modelling outcomes Business and Process Aspects User Aspects and Development Approaches
Authoring Mixed Reality — A Component and Framework-Based Approach User Aspects and Development Approaches User Aspects and Development Approaches
Authoring of a mixed reality assembly instructor for hierarchical structures User Aspects and Development Approaches Training and Simulation
Automated Procedure Reconfiguration Framework for Augmented Reality-Guided Maintenance Applications System Maintenance System Maintenance
Beh-VR: Modeling Behavior of Dynamic Virtual Reality Contents User Aspects and Development Approaches User Aspects and Development Approaches
BPM to Go: Supporting Business Processes in a Mobile and Sensing World Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
BPMN4SGA: A BPMN Extension for Smart Glasses Applications to enable Process Visualisations Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
Building Contextual Augmented Reality Environments with semantics Semantic Aspects Semantic Aspects
Business Process Management of Virtual Enterprise based on Augmented Reality Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
Business Process Modelling as Serious Game: Findings from a Field Study Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
CARL: A Language for Modelling Contextual Augmented Reality Environments Concepts and Languages Concepts and Languages
Closing spatial und motivational gaps: Virtual Reality in Business Process Improvement Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
Collaborative Business Process Modeling Using 3D Virtual Environments Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
Collaborative Modeling and Visualization of Software Systems Using Multidimensional UML Software and System Visualization Software and System Visualization
Collaborative Modeling of Use Case & Damage Scenarios in Online Workshops Using a 3D Environment User Aspects and Development Approaches Concepts and Languages
Collaborative Software Modeling in Virtual Reality Software and System Visualization Software and System Visualization
Compiling VR/AR Trainings from Business Process Models Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
Conceptual knowledge-based modeling of interactive 3D content Semantic Aspects Semantic Aspects
Conceptual Modeling for Virtual Reality Semantic Aspects Concepts and Languages
Conceptual Modeling of Articulated Bodies in Virtual Environments User Aspects and Development Approaches Concepts and Languages
Conceptual modelling in 3D virtual worlds for process communication Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
Design and Development of a Process Modelling Environment for Business Process Utilization within Smart Glasses Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
Design and Evaluation of a Smart-Glasses-based Service Support System User Aspects and Development Approaches User Aspects and Development Approaches
Design and evaluation of virtual environments mechanisms to support remote collaboration on complex process diagrams Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
Design and implementation of a virtual world training simulation of ICU first hour handover processes Training and Simulation Training and Simulation
Designing Augmented Reality Workflows for Care Specific Tasks User Aspects and Development Approaches User Aspects and Development Approaches
Developing a virtual-world simulation Training and Simulation Training and Simulation
Developing augmented reality capabilities for industry 4.0 small enterprises: Lessons learnt from a content authoring case study Business and Process Aspects User Aspects and Development Approaches
Developing Mixed Interactive Systems: A Model-Based Process for Generating and Managing Design Solutions User Aspects and Development Approaches User Aspects and Development Approaches
Development framework for context-aware augmented reality applications Semantic Aspects User Aspects and Development Approaches
Development of a prototype for Smart Glasses-based process modelling Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
Development of an augmented reality-based process management system: The case of a natural gas power plant Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
DEViL3D – A Generator Framework for Three-Dimensional Visual Languages Business and Process Aspects User Aspects and Development Approaches
Eclipse GEF3D: Bringing 3D to Existing 2D Editors Concepts and Languages User Aspects and Development Approaches
Enabling Collaborative Business Process Elicitation in Virtual Environments Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
Enhancing UML Conceptual Modeling through the Use of Virtual Reality Software and System Visualization Concepts and Languages
Ensuring semantic spatial constraints in virtual environments using UML/OCL Semantic Aspects Semantic Aspects
Evaluating Compliance State Visualizations for Multiple Process Models and Instances Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
Expanding Stakeholder Participation in Upfront System Engineering through Storytelling in Virtual Worlds: MADNI User Aspects and Development Approaches User Aspects and Development Approaches
Exploring Microsoft Hololens for Interactive Visualization of UML Diagrams Software and System Visualization Software and System Visualization
Gamified Virtual Reality for Program Code Structure Comprehension Software and System Visualization  
Software and System Visualization
Gef3D: a framework for two-, two-and-a-half-, and three-dimensional graphical editors Software and System Visualization User Aspects and Development Approaches
Geist3D, a Simulation Tool for Geometry-Driven Petri Nets Training and Simulation Training and Simulation
Generating Smart Glasses-based Information Systems with BPMN4SGA: A BPMN Extension for Smart Glasses Applications Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
HoloFlows: modelling of processes for the Internet of Things in mixed reality Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
How to Create a New Generation of Industrial Processes Simulation by Coupling Simulation Tools with VR Platforms Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
Hybrid recommendations and dynamic authoring for AR knowledge capture and re-use in diagnosis applications Semantic Aspects System Maintenance
Immersive authoring of Tangible Augmented Reality content: A user study User Aspects and Development Approaches User Aspects and Development Approaches
Immersive Process Model Exploration in Virtual Reality Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
Improving Remote Collaborative Process Modelling using Embodiment in 3D Virtual Environments Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
Inference-based creation of synthetic 3D content with ontologies Semantic Aspects Semantic Aspects
Initial Concepts for Augmented and Virtual Reality-based Enterprise Modeling Concepts and Languages Concepts and Languages
Integrating Heterogeneous Tools into Model-Centric Development of Interactive Applications User Aspects and Development Approaches User Aspects and Development Approaches
Integrating Semantic Directional Relationships into Virtual Environments: A Meta-modelling Approach Semantic Aspects Semantic Aspects
Integration of Augmented Reality into Professional Care Processes Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
Integration of Augmented Reality Technologies in Process Modeling - The Augmentation of Real World Scenarios With the KMDL: Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
Integration of SysML models in a 3D environment for Virtual Testing and Validation Software and System Visualization Software and System Visualization
Intelligent Augmented Reality Training for Assembly Tasks Training and Simulation Training and Simulation
Intelligent Augmented Reality Training for Motherboard Assembly Training and Simulation Training and Simulation
Intelligent Modelling of Virtual Worlds Using Domain Ontologies Semantic Aspects Semantic Aspects
Interdisciplinary Collaboration in Augmented Reality Development - A Process Model Business and Process Aspects User Aspects and Development Approaches
Jacob - An Animated Instruction Agent in Virtual Reality Training and Simulation Training and Simulation
Large-scale distributed semantic augmented reality services – A performance evaluation Semantic Aspects Semantic Aspects
Lets Get in Touch - Decision Making about Enterprise Architecture Using 3D Visualization in Augmented Reality Software and System Visualization Business and Process Aspects
Leveraging Augmented Reality to Support Context Aware Tasks in Alignment with Business Processes Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
MASCARET: creating virtual learning environments from system modelling Training and Simulation Concepts and Languages
MASCARET: pedagogical multi-agents systems for virtual environment for training Training and Simulation Training and Simulation
MeRiTS: Simulation-Based Training for Healthcare Professionals Training and Simulation Training and Simulation
Mixed reality cyber-physical systems control and workflow composition Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
Mobile Service Support based on Smart Glasses Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
Model as You Do: Engaging an S-BPM Vendor on Process Modelling in 3D Virtual Worlds Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
Model based systems engineering (MBSE) approach for configurable product use-case scenarios in virtual environments Business and Process Aspects User Aspects and Development Approaches
Model-Based Product Configuration in Augmented Reality Applications Business and Process Aspects User Aspects and Development Approaches
Model-based training of manual procedures in automated production systems Training and Simulation Training and Simulation
Model-driven development of augmented reality-based editors for domain specific languages Concepts and Languages User Aspects and Development Approaches
Model-driven iterative development of 3D web-applications using SSIML, X3D and JavaScript Concepts and Languages User Aspects and Development Approaches
Modeling Augmented Reality User Interfaces with SSIML/AR User Aspects and Development Approaches Concepts and Languages
Modeling Interactive Augmented Reality Environments User Aspects and Development Approaches Concepts and Languages
Modeling, Visualizing, and Checking Software Architectures Collaboratively in Shared Virtual Worlds Software and System Visualization Software and System Visualization
Multi-modal augmented-reality assembly guidance based on bare-hand interface User Aspects and Development Approaches System Maintenance
Notational Support for the Design of Augmented Reality Systems Concepts and Languages Concepts and Languages
On better understanding UML diagrams through interactive three-dimensional visualization and animation Software and System Visualization Software and System Visualization
On Generating Virtual Worlds from Domain Ontologies Semantic Aspects User Aspects and Development Approaches
On the Development of Context-Aware Augmented Reality Applications Semantic Aspects Semantic Aspects
Ontology based approach to development of augmented reality applications Semantic Aspects Semantic Aspects
Ontology-Based Representation and Modelling of Synthetic 3D Content: A State-of-the-Art Review: Ontology-Based Representation and Modelling of Synthetic 3D Content Semantic Aspects Semantic Aspects
Ontology-Driven Generation of Interactive 3D Worlds Semantic Aspects User Aspects and Development Approaches
Petri net-based VR model interactive behaviour specification and control for maintaining training Training and Simulation Concepts and Languages
Preliminary Evaluation of an Augmented Reality Collaborative Process Modelling System Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
PRISME: An interaction model linking domain activities and mixed and tangible interactors in virtual environments User Aspects and Development Approaches Concepts and Languages
PRISME: Toward a model linking tangible interaction and domain-specific tasks in mixed reality environments User Aspects and Development Approaches Concepts and Languages
Process Attribute Visualization in 3D and Virtual Reality Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
Process Modeling Within Augmented Reality: The Bidirectional Interplay of Two Worlds Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
Process training for industrial organisations using 3D environments: An empirical analysis Training and Simulation Training and Simulation
ProcessCity: Visualizing Business Processes as City Metaphor Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
ProConAR: A Tool Support for Model-Based AR Product Configuration Business and Process Aspects User Aspects and Development Approaches
RUBE: a customized 2D and 3D modeling framework for simulation Training and Simulation User Aspects and Development Approaches
Seeking the Treasures of Theoretical Computer Science Education: Towards Educational Virtual Reality for the Visualization of Finite State Machines Software and System Visualization Software and System Visualization
Semantic model for distributed augmented reality services Semantic Aspects Semantic Aspects
Semantic modeling of Virtual Environments using MASCARET Semantic Aspects Semantic Aspects
Semantic Modelling of Interactive 3D Content with Domain-specific Ontologies Semantic Aspects Semantic Aspects
Semantic Representation of Domain Knowledge for Professional VR Training Semantic Aspects Semantic Aspects
Software Model Creation with Multidimensional UML Software and System Visualization Software and System Visualization
Specifying generic depictions of language constructs for 3D visual languages Concepts and Languages Concepts and Languages
SSIML/AR: A Visual Language for the Abstract Specification of Augmented Reality User Interfaces Concepts and Languages Concepts and Languages
SSIML/Behaviour: Designing Behaviour and Animation of Graphical Objects in Virtual Reality and Multimedia Applications Concepts and Languages Concepts and Languages
SSIML/Components: a visual language for the abstract specification of 3D components Concepts and Languages Concepts and Languages
SSIML: designing structure and application integration of 3D scenes Concepts and Languages Concepts and Languages
Statechart modelling of interactive gesture-based applications Software and System Visualization Concepts and Languages
Storyboard Augmentation of Process Model Grammars for Stakeholder Communication: Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
Study on Virtual Intelligent Assembly System for Machine Tools Based on Multi-Agent and Petri-Net User Aspects and Development Approaches Concepts and Languages
Supporting Augmented Reality Industry 4.0 Processes with Context-aware Processing and Situational Knowledge Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
The Next Generation – Design and Implementation of a Smart Glasses-based Modelling System Business and Process Aspects Concepts and Languages
The Reuse of SysML Behaviour Models for Creating Product Use Cases in Virtual Reality Software and System Visualization Concepts and Languages
Three Dimensional UML Using Force Directed Layout Software and System Visualization Software and System Visualization
Toward an Experiential Design Language: Augmenting Model-based Systems Engineering with Technical Storytelling in Virtual Worlds User Aspects and Development Approaches Concepts and Languages
Towards a Virtual Reality-based Process Elicitation System Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
Towards Automating the Construction of Augmented Reality Interfaces for Information Systems User Aspects and Development Approaches User Aspects and Development Approaches
Towards Context-Aware Process Guidance in Cyber-Physical Systems with Augmented Reality Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
Towards Domain-Specific Modelling Environments Based on Augmented Reality Concepts and Languages Concepts and Languages
UBBA: Unity Based BPMN Animator Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
Using Augmented Reality in Software Engineering Education? First insights to a comparative study of 2D and AR UML modeling Software and System Visualization Software and System Visualization
Using virtual worlds for collaborative business process modeling Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
Virtual Business Role-Play: Leveraging Familiar Environments to Prime Stakeholder Memory During Process Elicitation Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
Virtual but visible software Software and System Visualization Software and System Visualization
Virtual Environment Visualisation of Executable Business Process Models Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
Virtual Factory: Competence-Based Adaptive Modelling and Simulation Approach for Manufacturing Enterprise Training and Simulation Concepts and Languages
Virtual Reality in Model Based Systems Engineering: A Review Paper Software and System Visualization User Aspects and Development Approaches
Virtual Reality Simulation for the Operating Room: Proficiency-Based Training as a Paradigm Shift in Surgical Skills Training Training and Simulation Training and Simulation
Virtual Worlds as a Model-View Approach to the Communication of Business Processes Models Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
VisAr3D: an innovative 3D visualization of UML models Software and System Visualization Software and System Visualization
Visualizing Business Process Models on Virtual Reality Screens Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
Visualizing live software systems in 3D Software and System Visualization Software and System Visualization
Visualizing Multiple Process Attributes in one 3D Process Representation Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
Visualizing Software in an Immersive Virtual Reality Environment Software and System Visualization Software and System Visualization
VR Training for Warehouse Management Training and Simulation Training and Simulation
VR-BPMN: Visualizing BPMN Models in Virtual Reality Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
VR-DeMo: a Tool-supported Approach Facilitating Flexible Development of Virtual Environments using Conceptual Modelling User Aspects and Development Approaches User Aspects and Development Approaches
VR-EA: Virtual Reality Visualization of Enterprise Architecture Models with ArchiMate and BPMN Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
VR-EAT: Visualization of Enterprise Architecture Tool Diagrams in Virtual Reality User Aspects and Development Approaches Business and Process Aspects
VREUD - An End-User Development Tool to Simplify the Creation of Interactive VR Scenes User Aspects and Development Approaches User Aspects and Development Approaches
VR-UML: The Unified Modeling Language in Virtual Reality – An Immersive Modeling Experience Software and System Visualization Software and System Visualization
When Model Driven Engineering meets virtual reality: Feedback from application to the Collaviz framework User Aspects and Development Approaches User Aspects and Development Approaches
Workflow ART: a framework for multidimensional workflow analysis Business and Process Aspects Business and Process Aspects
Workflow-based Setup of Smart Devices in Mixed Reality Business and Process Aspects User Aspects and Development Approaches
X3D-UML: 3D UML Mechatronic Diagrams Software and System Visualization Software and System Visualization
X3D-UML: 3D UML State Machine Diagrams Software and System Visualization Concepts and Languages
X3D-UML: enabling advanced UML visualisation through X3D Software and System Visualization Concepts and Languages